Perhaps we should focus on synchronized swimming

I think Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell was spot on Monday when asked about the postponement of Sunday’s Eagles-Vikings game to Tuesday. "My biggest beef is that this is part of what's happened in this country," Rendell said. "I think we've become wussies."  For the record this blogger was at Ralph Wilson Stadium in Buffalo on Jan. 15, 1994 for the Buffalo Bills vs. Los Angeles Raiders playoff game where game time conditions were 0 degrees with a -32 degree wind chill factor. 
The postponement coupled with the QB protection rules and the proliferation of fines and penalties for hard hitting makes one wonder if the league should be changed to the NFFL: National Flag Football League with its games played in the summer time (not in Arizona due to potential heat stroke) at such venues as Central Park, Boston Common, the Washington Mall, and Balboa Park.


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