Day One: My Hanukkah gift to President Obama

Where have you gone Sandy Koufax?
Mr. President, once again you have seen firsthand what the GOP thinks of your bipartisan efforts.  In the spirit of Hanukkah: Time to go Sandy Koufax on them.
42 Senate Republicans signed a letter saying they intend to block action on all Democratic-backed legislation until the Senate votes on extending the Bush tax cuts and the budget bill needed to keep funding the government into next year.
Mr. President, the GOP is crowding the plate.  What do you do?   You go on the air and win the message war.  The GOP is denying 2 million Americans their unemployment benefits.  Never in this country’s history have unemployment benefits not been extended when unemployment was over 7.2%, today we still sit at 9.6%.  Sure the GOP can dig in its heals and wait for the new Congress to be sworn in and move for extending all tax cuts, but won’t that upset the Deficit Reducing Debtphobic Tea Partiers?
Here’s the plan:
1)      If the GOP Senators block the motion to vote on DADT, then use the executive order and paint the GOP has a bigoted lot that doesn’t listen to its constituents.
2)      Bring to vote a tax plan that extends the tax cuts for two years for all individual tax payers making less than $200k and $250k for joint filers.  If the GOP votes no or blocks the vote in the senate, go public about how the GOP is killing jobs and shutting down the government.
3)      Bring a vote to extend unemployment benefits.  Use the logic described above and when the GOP obstructs go public about how the GOP is killing jobs.
4)      Table the Dream Act.  America is indifferent and sadly that window has closed.
5)      Tell the GOP you won’t talk about tax cuts for the rich until START is passed. 
Don’t nibble around the edges like a pitcher who doesn’t have great stuff.  Use your power game and don’t be afraid to pitch inside.  Be Sandy!


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