Accidents, the UN, broken ribs, sharks, and Jon Voight

The Phoenix Metro Light Rail System has had to scale back operations due to budget cuts.  This has resulted in rail operators having to time their bathroom breaks just right and unfortunately there have been at least two incidents of operators soiling themselves.  It brings all new meaning to “Light Rail accident at the corner of Mill and Rio Salada.”
Stunt double Christopher Tierney broke two ribs in the 4th and latest injury during rehearsals at the Spider-Man Turn Off the Dark musical at the Hilton Theater in New York, making it the 2nd worst mishap in NY/NJ this weekend.  Tom Coughlin also broke two ribs when he was given the Heimlich maneuver while watching the Giants choke away a 21 point 4th quarter lead.
Fox News, as part of its coverage of the START Treat, rolled out one of the biggest names in nuclear proliferation and US/Russian relations:  Jon Voight.  The star of Anaconda and Varsity Blues must be considered an expert because his daughter, actress Angelina Jolie, played a Russian double agent in the movie Salt. 
I knew it was only a matter of time before one of these Dancing Flash Mob gatherings would lead to something dangerous.  Apparently at the Roseville (CA) Galleria mall, the floor started shaking and authorities had to evacuate the mall when the Sacramento Choir started its production of the Hallelujah Chorus.  Not sure if the threat was real or if there is just another case of the war on Christmas and Public Dancing.
Saddened at the passing of one this bloggers favorite kings of sarcasm actor Steve Landesberg and his Barney Miller character Detective Arthur Dietrich.  "Where'd we get the atomic bomb?"
I am so happy that the US Senate was able to pass the Shark Conservation Act this week.  This act will hopefully end shark finning, the deplorable process of hunting sharks solely for their fins.  I am sure the cast of Shark Tale and the scientists at the Discovery Channel are ecstatic, but the fact that this bill was taken up AHEAD of the James Zagroda 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010 is disappointing to say the least.
Kudos to Fox News’ Shepard Smith for bucking the trend at Fox and calling out Senator Coburn from Oklahoma for his resistance to the aforementioned James Zagroda 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010. 
Noxious fumes from a backed-up sewer led to the evacuation of the UN General Assembly and Security Council on Tuesday.  Initially, the delegation from Pakistan, thinking it was curry induced flatulence, blamed the Indian delegation and promptly sent 10,000 troops into the disputed province of Kashmir.


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