May your brisket be tender and your matzah balls fluffy
Shin Hey Gimel Nun….Let’s Play Dreidel (Apologies to my gentile followers)
- Nigerian authorities plan to charge ex-US vice president Dick Cheney in connection with a bribery scandal allegedly involving Haliburton. Dick, be careful it may be one of this Nigerian 4-1-9 financial scams so don’t send them any money. Send Scooter Libby in your place.
- It’s a great day to be a Boston sports fan: Pats 9-2, Celts 14-4, and Bruins 14-8-2. Suck it everybody else.
- Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has outlined her economic recovery plan for Arizona. The plan includes a reduction of the corporate income tax, a separate income tax break mainly helping manufacturers, a variety of other tax breaks and tax credits, and a new $25 million fund to provide grants to businesses considering Arizona for expansions. When asked how the state would fund this, she had no answers other than reducing state university funding. Phyllis Diller strikes again with her clueless math-deprived illogical education killing scheme.
- The US and South Korea came to terms on a new trade agreement, the biggest trade agreement the US has entered since NAFTA. This agreement will be a huge boom for the US auto industry, that’s manufacturing and that is good. The left will bitch that it will cost jobs and the beef states are pissed that the new agreement didn’t further open the South Korean markets to US beef exports. Can’t get everything folks.
- How the hell did we get punked by FIFA and Qatar? Seriously? I know FIFA wants to give the Asian and African nations a greater stage for the World Cup, but this is why Americans think soccer (I won’t call it football) is lame and FIFA a sham. Poor officiating, match fixing, and Qatar, urrgggghhh. Oh another thing, why the heck are we playing FOOTBALL in London?
- Sad at the passing of Cubs legendary 9 time all-star third baseman Ron Santo. Put him in the hall already. Speaking of which I am still pissed at the NHL for not admitting Pat Burns into its Hall of Fame when his terminal illness became public. In both cases, these guys earned admission.
- Kate Gosselin goes camping with Sarah Palin on this week’s episode of Sarah Palin’s Alaska. There’s never a hungry, a very hungry grizzly bear around when you need one.
- Props to Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) for saying he would vote to repeal DADT. Shame on Susan Collins (R-ME) for saying she would vote to repeal DADT once the Bush tax cut debate is resolved. Tying social justice and equal rights to millionaire tax cuts is shameful Senator Collins.
- On Thursday, Congress passed the CALM Act (Commercial Advertising Loudness Mitigation), a bill that requires broadcasters to regulate the volume on television commercials. President Obama is expected to sign the bill into law. The law will require television broadcasters and advertisers to adopt technology that would modulate sound levels and prevent overly loud commercials within one year of enactment. Halle-freaking-lujah! I expect the Alaska misfit to tweet that this is another big government takeover. RIP Billy Mays.
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