Odds and ends, and other scraps

-        Michael Steele says he is going to run for RNC Chairman again.  Trips to Guam, lavish Hawaiian vacations, lesbian bondage clubs in LA….I’d go with Pedro.
-        T Boone Pickens has dropped wind as part of his Pickens plan.  He’s now pushing Congress to pass legislation that would offer incentives to convert 18-wheelers and fleet vehicles to run on compressed natural gas not diesel. BTW Pickens owns 45 percent of Clean Energy Fuels, a Seal Beach, Calif., company that builds natural gas filling stations for buses and fleet vehicles.
-        Cold snap in Florida has citrus growers and the commodity markets nervous about crop damage.  I wonder if Clarence Beeks is carrying the top secret crop report on a train with Naga Eboko, Lionel Joseph, and Inga.  Footnote: The 'Eddie Murphy Rule' regarding insider trading in commodities can be found in the new Wall Street Reform Act.
-        Apparently in Qatar, the site of the 2022 World Cup, homosexual acts are illegal.  When asked about this civil rights issue FIFA President Sepp Blatter said with a smile “I’d say they (gay fans) should refrain from any sexual activities.”  Excuse me, but have you seen some of those goal celebrations?  There’s stuff on Glee that isn’t half as gay.
-        Ralph Lauren’s son David is engaged to George W. Bush’s niece Lauren Bush.  Making her Lauren Lauren.  The alternative is the designer’s birth name Ralph Reuben Lifshitz.  You make the call.
-        Shocking revelation that Fox News’ Washington D.C Managing Editor Bill Sammon sent out  a memo stating Fox reporters must "refrain from asserting that the planet has warmed (or cooled) in any given period without IMMEDIATELY pointing out that such theories are based upon data that critics have called into question." How do you like you propaganda?  Fair and Balanced?
-        Bad day for ASU.  Panama City school board gunman Clay Duke was a class of ’88 graduate and ASU baseball had to vacate 44 wins from 2007 and will be banned from 2011 post season.
-        Michael Vick says he’d like to get a dog in the near future.  And Bill Clinton is thinking about getting an intern, Tony Heyward wants to vacation on the gulf, and Bernie Maddof would like to start a hedge fund.


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