I didn't think I had anything to say this morning.

-      How bad are things for J&J’s McNeil Consumer Healthcare division’s Fort Washington, PA Plant?  The plant, which makes children’s Tylenol, Mylanta, Rolaids, and other products has been at the center of a number of product recalls over the last 12 months, was closed in April after the FDA discovered lapses in 'quality control, including thick dust and grime, and contaminated ingredients.'  Looks like this is something we can keep up with the Chinese.
-      I know Mark Cuban is not wel loved.  But you have to give him credit for trying.  He has put up $500million to end the BS that is the BCS and create a 12 or 16 team playoff.  I am sure there are university and conference officials already lining up to block him.
-      Senate Republicans scuttled the $1.3Trillion Omnibus spending bill.  Anything to stall the process of funding the government right up to the last moment so that they can avoid voting on DADT repeal, the Dream Act, and START. 
-      Footnote to the Omnibus bill it included $8Billion in earmarks  where the top two beneficiaries were Mississippi Republican Senators Cochran and Wicker.
-      Jurgen Trittin of Germany’s Green Party called German chancellor Angela Merkel the “Teutonic savings monster”.  Those Germans sure know how to sling the mud.
-      Hey Tea Party, the joke’s on you.  According to the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank  Many Tea Party favorites, meanwhile, have discovered the appeal of Washington lobbyists' cash and advice. South Dakota's Noem (Kristi) is one of at least 13 incoming Republican lawmakers who have hired lobbyists to run their offices.”  For the entire piece: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/14/AR2010121405602.html?nav=rss_opinion/columns
-      The bipartisan commission charged with looking into the causes of the financial collapse has broken up due to partisan differences (I guess bipartisan means breaking into two parts).   The Democratic wing putting blame on Wall Street Bankers running amok while the Republican members blaming  a housing bubble spurned on by the government.   Last time I checked it wasn’t homeowners selling mortgage backed securities and credit default swaps.
-      Most powerful man in the nation?  Obama? Nope.  Boehner? Nope. Reid? Nope. Palin? Nope.  It’s Grover Norquist.  WTFI Grover Norquist?  He is the head of the Americans for Tax Reform, a watchdog anti-taxation organization that coerces state and federal lawmakers into signing pledges not to raise taxes.  And guess what.  In fear of being defeated in primaries, these weak-in-the-knees incumbents sign on the dotted line.  Good luck with that deficit reduction.


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