Memo to McCain, Graham, Kyl, and every other lying sack of crap Republican Senator

Why do Republicans hate facts?  Because they are never on the same side.  For the last two weeks all I have heard is one Republican after another (exceptions include Lugar, Brown Isakson, Cochran, Corker, Bennett, Snowe, and Collins) go on about how the new START Treaty is being rammed down their throats during the lame duck session.  Well facts are stubborn things.  The excerpt below is pulled from the US Senate Records for the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.  You will notice the dates and and frequency of hearings.  Well Senators Kyl, McCain, Graham, and McConnell, I quote your fellow Republidick from the House, Joe Wilson (SC): "You Lie!".

Treaty Number:   111-5
Transmitted:   May 13, 2010
Short Title:   Treaty with Russia on Measures for Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms
Type:   Arms Control
Countries:   Russia
Formal Title:   Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, signed in Prague on April 8, 2010, with Protocol.
Senate Executive Report(s):   111-6
Related Document(s):   Ex.Rept. 111-6

Legislative Actions   

Floor Action:   May 13, 2010 - Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations pursuant to unanimous consent agreement removing the injunction of secrecy.
  May 19, 2010 - Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearings held.
  May 25, 2010 - Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearings held.
  June 08, 2010 - Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearings held.
  June 10, 2010 - Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearings held.
  June 15, 2010 - Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearings held.
  June 16, 2010 - Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearings held.
  June 24, 2010 - Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearings held.
  July 14, 2010 - Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearings held.
  July 15, 2010 - Committee on Foreign Relations. Hearings held.
  September 16, 2010 - Committee on Foreign Relations. Ordered to be reported with amendments favorably.
  June 17, 2010 - Committee on Armed Services. Hearings held.
  July 27, 2010 - Committee on Armed Services. Hearings held.
  July 29, 2010 - Committee on Armed Services. Hearings held.
Floor Action:   October 01, 2010 - Reported favorably by Senator Kerry, Committee on Foreign Relations under authority of the order of the Senate of 09/28/2010 with printed Ex. Rept.111-6 and a resolution of advice and consent to ratification with 10 conditions, 3 understandings, and 13 declarations. Executive Calendar No. 7.

See the full record on START


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