Thoughts After Election Day

1)      Courtesy of Daniel Gross: Deficits Don't Matter, Reprise: Whether it's Dick Cheney saying deficits don't matter, or Democrats urging more stimulus, politicians on both sides of the aisle have made it clear that they don't care much about deficits. The consensus against deficit reduction may have just become more hardened. Today's Republican orthodoxy on budget matters can be expressed as follows: Don't touch defense, Social Security or Medicare. Revenue lost via tax cuts doesn't need to be offset with spending cuts. Tax cuts pay for themselves.
2)      The Republican Party is now solely responsible for the fortunes of the State of Arizona, and the job will be even more daunting now that the citizens of Arizona said nay to two propositions that would have allowed the Republican legislature to raid the land conservation and first things first funds.  The $450Million budget deficit is a real problem and let’s see if our anti-debt anti-deficit TEA Party enabled GOP has what it takes.
3)      After listening to Michelle Bachmann last night, I am convinced Randy Moss is qualified to represent the people of 10,000 lakes.
4)      I have decided that James Polk, 11th POTUS, is the Alex English/Johnny Bucyk of Presidents:  The most underrated President in our history.  Having stated he would only serve one term, he led the single greatest expansion in this nation’s history, (Nevada, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, New Mexico, and Utah) and in the process worked himself to death (he died three months after leaving office).   
5)      Imagine a President that threatens to nationalize the nation’s leading industry, force striking workers into the armed forces, uses executive order to force the armed forces to give up its racist rules, pushes for national healthcare and civil rights, and attacks anti-union legislation.   Obama the Marxist socialist anti-colonialist Kenyan?  No, It’s Harry Truman, arguably one of our finest Presidents. 
6)      Today’s poll question: Who ends up on next season of Dancing With The Stars:  a) Sharron Angle, b) Christine O’Donnell, c) Charlie Crist, d) Carl Paladino?
7)      What are these 30 second mini shows during breaks in network TV shows?  What’s that commercials you say?  After two months of non-stop political ads I am happy to sit through Geico, Progressive, and E-Trade commercials.
8)      Rick Scott, the Republican Governor-Elect from Florida, was CEO of Columbia/HCA Health Company that in 2002 pleaded guilty to 14 felonies and agreed to pay $600+ Million in fines, at that time the largest fraud case in Justice Department history.  Of course he was fired by the Board of Directors.  Only in Florida can someone like that become Governor.
9)      On December 1st, the bipartisan debt reduction commission that President Obama created will submit its report.  Like all other blue ribbon commissions, its recommendations will likely be ignored by Congress and the White House.
10)   There are four Supreme Court Justices over 70 years old.  2012 Presidential election looms critical as the next wave of judicial retirements could occur over the next 6 years. 


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