The Shocking, the Ridiculous, and the Absurd

- Courtesy of Sister Sue: The Wakefield (Mass) Track and Field Team is taking a lot of flak for its new team tee shirts that simply say WTF; reminds me of my Little League days playing for Braintree Savings Bank when our hats said BS.
- The Chandler (AZ) City Hall posted restrooms signs warning people not to drink out of toilets and urinals.  Seriously?  Have people been bobbing for apples in Chandler’s public restrooms?
- The NFL will likely push for an 18 game regular season schedule, an increase of 2 games from today’s schedule.  You know who is the happiest about this potential change:  Csonka, Shula, Griese, and the rest of the ’72 unbeaten Dolphins.
- Citizens of Oklahoma unanimously passed a law that bars Oklahoma courts from considering Islamic or Shariah law.  This rise in Islamophobia is being stoked by demagoguery and ignorance.  How can Sharia law be considered in an Oklahoma court of law that operates under the Oklahoma State Constitution? 
- Why is everyone up in arms about this Four Loko?  OK I get that it’s caffeinated alcohol drink.   What do you think Red Bull and Vodka is?  Collegiate alcohol overindulgence is not a new problem: Grain alcohol punch.
- Morgan Stanley Manager Martin Erzinger will not face felony charges for a hit and run accident in Colorado.  Erzinger, in his Mercedes, struck Dr. Steven Milo while Milo was riding his bike and then proceeded to leave the scene.  Milo suffered spinal injuries and bleeding in the brain.  District Attorney Mark Hurlbert defending his decision not to pursue felony charges said “Felony convictions have some pretty serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession, and that entered into it.  When you're talking about restitution, you don't want to take away his ability to pay."  Tough shit.  I hope Milo’s civil suit lands him tens of millions and Hurlbert is hurled out of office.


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