Dancing with the Stars or Bristolgate

Theories from the dark side:

1) William Hung was before his time
2) Bristol Palin and Sanjaya Malakar...talentless talent show contestants who prove that it's all BS...both were past their expiration dates
3) Conspiracy Theory: Some Tea Party tech wizard figured out how to reprogram their campaign phones so that instead of robo-calling households, it flooded the DWTS phone banks with Bristol votes
4) Arnold Rothstein would be envious of this fix.
5) Do you think John McCain wishes he had picked Bristol instead of Sarah for his running mate?
6) I haven't seen this many brain dead people vote since the Kennedy-Nixon 1960 election (Chicago vote tally).
7) I bet you will see Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Tim Pawlenty, and any other GOP presidential hopeful try to get their kids onto the 2012 season of DWTS.


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