Monday's Mishegas

-        76 year old Michigan grandmother Bea Leach bagged a five-point buck last week.  Word out of Wasilla, Alaska is Sarah Palin has added Ms. Leach to her short list of potential vice presidential candidates for 2012.
-        George W. Bush makes no apologies for the tough decision he had to make during his presidency in his memoir ‘Decision Points’.  In all interviews he has offered no regrets or assessments of the results.  Perhaps his follow-up should be titled ‘Truth and Consequences’.
-        Clearly investing in additional border security has paid off.  Last week U.S. Border Patrol was able to apprehend and arrest Willie Nelson of possession of marijuana.  It seems the border guard smelled marijuana smoke when he boarded the tour bus in Texas. 
-        Let’s Make a Deal starts in Washington this week.  Will the Republicans get their tax cuts for their millionaire buddies?  Will the Democrats get an extension of unemployment benefits?  Do the Dream Act, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and START get placed on the back burner?  Who will show up to moderate Monty Hall or Howie Mandel?
-        I hope President Obama takes the initiative for the next two years; don’t be a politician, be a leader.  Inspire the nation with a vision of social progress (DADT and Immigration Policy) while laying out the necessary policies to keep the economy moving (short term stimulus) while reducing long term debt (entitlement reform and discretionary spending cuts).  You must be transformational: change the tax code, enable technology development, and eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy.  It will be tough medicine for Americans, but it must be done.   Tell the nation what it needs, not what it wants.  If you own the tactics by not delegating the work to Congress AND don’t allow the Republicans to take control of the dialogue, you will be successful.  Be Obama the leader, not Obama the politician. 
-        U.S. Poverty rate rose to 14.3% in 2009, the highest in 50 years.  Makes it difficult to call us the richest nation on earth when we are regressing as a society.
-        Our Afghanistan strategy is focused on two critical provinces: Helmund and Kandahar.  Unfortunately, in a recent Canadian survey only 8% of the Afghans in those provinces are aware of the 9/11 attacks.  8%!!!!!!  No wonder these Afghan citizens side with the Taliban and view us as the latest version of unwanted invaders.


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