I expect Drudge, Malkin, Savage, Breitbart, and Limbaugh to spew baseless dreck because that's all they can do and that's what their followers want to hear.  But I am drawing the line on elected officials (Bachmann and Huckabee) and unofficial party leaders (Beck).  The most recent example is the unfounded claims that President Obama's trip to Asia will cost $2Billion and we are deploying 36 warships to the Indian Ocean for security.  A little fact checking would have found these claims to be baseless (for reference, the Afghan war costs the US $190Million/day).

So, if you watch Glenn Beck, go to the emergency room and get yourself an EEG to check for brain activity.  If you watch Glenn Beck and ever voted for or plan to vote for Mike Huckabee, bypass the emergency room and go straight to the morgue.  And if you watch Glenn Beck, voted or plan to vote for Huckabee, and are a fan of Michelle Bachmann, we will also have to put your dog down.

I do not apologize for any offense.


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