Why I drink coffee and not tea

Lots has been said about the attraction to the Tea Party and what's so good about its grass roots, populist, anti-establishment DNA.  In the first of several installments (hmmm sounds so 20/20 like) let me explain the why the Lipton Loons are not for me.

Michele Bachmann;  The goofy gopher has flown under the radar thanks to the abstinent witch, but she still is a good source of material.  At the Voters Values Summit in DC a few weeks back she threw out the old shout out to Thomas Jefferson for writing the Tea Party's mission statement about all men being created equal.  Did she look around at her fellow social conservatives and notice the lack of minorities, gays, and lesbians?  Or how TJ himself wasn't the role model of morality that she wishes?

Social Conservative: Yep, not for me.  Wake up and realize that Mr. Peabody and Sherman can't take you back to the 1950's before Roe V. Wade, civil rights act, and gays in the military.  I think Exclusive Tightass is a better description.

Glenn Beck:  I watched a good portion of a recent broadcast and I couldn't fathom the attraction.  Then it hit me, people who loved Romper Room also love his condescending folksy tone.  Each episode of Romper Room started with the Pledge of Allegiance and included ditties like Bend and Stretch and Reach for the Stars.  Beckerhead brings the Exclusive Tightasses (see refermece above) back to their simpler childhoods.

That's it for now.  We'll be back with a history lesson regarding the Constitution and The Articles of Confederation of 1777.  I know sounds exciting.


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