Things that come to mind when your bedridden

Random bacterial infection fever induced thoughts and opinions:

1) Why is the party that doesn't believe in climate change and evolution, and thinks homosexuality is a choice are the same clowns who want to eliminate the Department of Education?

2) Lot's people of said it was God's will that saved the Chilean miners.  Does that mean God loves Chilean miners more than the Sago and Upper Big Branch Miners?

3) When I listen to the debate between school chancellors and teachers' union officials I am struck by the fact the former talks about students, and the latter teachers.

4) I like Outsourced on NBC.  Don't want to go to India anytime soon, but the show does make me laugh.  That being said, nothing comes close to Modern Family.

5) New CPR guidelines eliminate the need for mouth-to-mouth; depending on the patient I reserve the right to still use it.

6) Expect unemployment numbers to spike in two weeks when the midterm elections come and go and these talking heads have to find real work.  Wishful thinking,

7) Is it me or is Bristol Palin the first DWTS contestant who seems to be gaining weight?

8) The antibiotic I am taking when mixed with alcohol causes nausea.  Who is the Dr. Mengele who came up this wonder drug?

9) No Starbucks in 18 days; who am I Morgan Friggin Spurlock?

10) Jersey Shore...I'd rather have a bacterial infection.


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