We must seal our borders!

That's it, Brewer, Pearce, Kyl, Babeu, and McCain are right; our border is a sieve.  Did you know that citizens from our international neighbor are buying up homes in the greater Phoenix area faster than investors from California?  Heck they're even flying this foreign flag in certain communities.  And guess what?  I am not talking about Mexicans, it's those sneaky SOB's from Canada.  That's right Canadians, Les Habitants.  Before you know it there will be Tim Horton's where Starbucks used to be, our vending machines will all be jammed up with Loonies, you won't be able to find Oscar Meyer Bacon in Safeway, just that fake Canadian stuff, and before you know it they'll be playing hockey in Phoenix.  Huh?  Phoenix Coyotes?  Never heard of them.


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