Five for Friday

1) According to the Center of Responsible Politics (oxymoron much?) $4Billion will be spent on the 2010 midterm elections, compared to $2.85Billion spent just four years ago.  Did you know you could buy every American a Big Mac and Fries for $4Billion?   At least the Big Mac and fries would be more stimulative.

2) Republicans are for lower taxes and spending cuts.  Really?  What an innovative detailed plan.  Not be outdone, I am for hot fudge sundaes and slinkies.  Both of these plans have the same thing in common:  no shit.  What are you going to cut?  That's the tough part, but I will give you some pointers:  raise retirement age, cut defense spending 5% over 5 years (in 2010 we will spend over $1Trillion), cut future medicare and social security benefits for anyone under 50, and tell every other department to expect spending rolled back to 2000 with the exception of education.

3) Tea Party activists are all about freedoms and getting government out of our lives.  Ok, so why are so many Tea Party candidates looking for constitutional amendments to criminalize abortion in all cases and define marriage?  Sounds like Big Brother to me and reminiscent of the Terry Schiavo case.  I guess big government is OK if it can enforce your socially conservative beliefs on everybody else. 

4) Power of the airwaves and Fox News: Most Americans think (2:1) their taxes have gone up under Obama.  In reality, since his inauguration Obama has cut taxes by $240Billion with the lion's share of $190Billion going to middle class families.  Facts are stubborn things.

5) Does anyone know of a fiscally conservative socially progressive party?  I think the Libertarians come the closest.   Need to research further.


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