Sunday Comics: More Bloom County Less Family Circus

1) Glenn Beck "I haven't seen a half-monkey, half-person yet. Did evolution just stop?"  He probably thinks the Flintstones is a documentary.  As long as Tea Baggers hang on every word he says, they remain a collection of simpletons.  Are we really reliving the Scopes Monkey Trial in 2010?  I bet Planet of the Apes must really confuse the Beckerhead.

2) Michael Steele, RNC Chairman, says he is fully in charge of the Republican party.  Really?  Reminds me of when Alfalfa was installed as President of the He-Man Women Haters Club, when in reality the power base was Spanky (Limbaugh), Porky (Beck), and Froggy (Rove).

3) Christine O'Donnell didn't know the separation clause is in the 1st Amendment.  Rick Santelli, CNBC, says that shouldn't matter because perhaps we should send less polished and educated people to Congress because they couldn't do worse.  Hey, I'm not saying Elphaba should memorize the Constitution, but for heaven's sake, it is the 1st Amendment.  It's like giving up on a book at the table of contents.  Why does the right hate intelligence?

4) The Supreme Court in 2000 ruled that because it is a private organization the Boy Scouts of America can prevent gays and atheists from holding leadership positions in that organization.  I find the organization's stance backwards and bigoted.  Afraid that these leaders will institute merit badges in accessorizing and Darwinism?

5) Bill Clinton lost the nuclear launch codes leaving the US unable to launch nuclear weapons during the last few months of his presidency.  Seriously?  I've lost the occasional document and have even forgotten my ATM PIN (no it's not 1234), but the launch codes to our nuclear arsenal?  My theory: one of Bubba's hook-ups thought she got the President's personal phone number.


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