Thoughts on a wintery blustery day

1)      Do people who leave their shopping carts loosely in the parking lot know they’re douche nozzles?

2)      If Jesus was white he would have stuck out like a sore thumb in Judea of 2,000 years ago.

3)      To assume Jesus was white is pure arrogance by Caucasian historical revisionists.

4)      Gotta love the Auburn football coach Gus Malzahn’s story.  Just 8 years ago he was coaching in high school and now he is coaching in the national championship game.

5)       Major League Baseball wants to ban home plate collisions.  What’s next a ban on sliding?

6)      The inability for our nation’s leaders to make any progress on gun violence in the year since Sandy Hook, is a national disgrace.

7)      If Megyn Kelly was making a joke, like she claims, then she should stick to her day job of being an ignoramus

8)      Mike Huckabee hinted he is considering a presidential run in 2016.  We’ll keep the clown car running.

9)      Many on the left and right are equally disappointed in the budget deal.  That often happens when compromise occurs.

10)   I wonder if Kim Jong Un asked Dennis Rodman for advice in dealing with his now dead uncle.

11)   Conservatives are mocking the Mandela memorial service  interpreter after he said he sometime sees angels. But they support candidates who claim Jesus told them to run for president.

12)   Many pro football pundits are claiming Peyton Manning is having the best season of any quarterback in the history of the game.  I guess they already forgot about Tom Brady’s 2007 117.2 QB rating.

13)   Affluenza is pure bullshit.  Bad parenting, lots of money, and spoiled children do not equal a ‘condition’.

14)   President Obama shook hands with Raul Castro.  Reagan sold weapons to Iran.  Spare us the mock outrage Fox News.

15)   Hillary Clinton netted $400,000 from two speaking engagements at Goldman Sachs events.  Wonder if 2008 progressive backers will turn a blind eye.

16)   Did you know that as a recently as 2008, the U.S. officially considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist.

17)   A $50 gift card from Ticketmaster required a $14.50 shipping fee.  Seriously?

18)   Memo to the Hollywood Foreign Press, if you nominate a movie in the musical or comedy category, it should be a musical or comedy.

19)   According to the British Medical Journal, James Bond consumed an average of 9-13 shots of booze per day.  With those DT’s he would be shaken and stirred.

20)   I remember when good economic data and corporate earnings drove the stock market higher.  Today, it signals the end of cheap Fed money and markets subsequently slide.  

Stay warm and cozy friends.



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