Vote For Inclusion Over Exclusion
In order to thrive a society must evolve, its attitudes,
beliefs, and morals must evolve as well.
As the society evolves faster, traditional dogma and paradigms become
subjects of great debate, often heated. Over
the 236 years since our nation’s independence and the 223 years since the
Constitution went into effect this
nation has witnessed great debates on human and civil rights, often with the
role of religion at the center. This often
results in the polarization of the population with those that oppose change
squaring off with those that see change as natural and necessary; conservatives
versus progressives.
I have written extensively about America’s history with
respect to the war between free thinking and enlightenment on one side and
religion on the other. I also have heard
the arguments that it was Democrats in the South that supported slavery,
created the KKK, and opposed civil rights; a hollow argument considering those
same southerners now represent today’s Republican base. I have also analyzed the historic comparisons
of economic performance between Republicans and Democrats and commented on the
relative achievements of various administrations. But that’s not what I am worried about.
I have been called a communist, socialist, and a
liberal. I am certainly not a communist
and I am no socialist. I don’t consider
myself a liberal maybe because I am less interested in labels which is why I am a non-aligned political independent (is
that a label or description?). I am a
pragmatic, learn-from-the-past but plan-the-future sarcastic realist. But above all I believe in inclusion over exclusion,
and when it comes to social progress I definitely lean towards to inclusion.
I am still amazed that in 2012 some of our conversations
still center on human decency. So as the
right as proven that its ‘fiscal conservative’ label is a farce (read:
1980-1988 and 2000-2004)it has adopted a socially conservative embodiment that
is more reactionary than conservative.
In comparison to the new right, I just may be a liberal. And while I consider my label, the Republican
Party, the once Grand Ole Party has become an American Taliban. A party lacking compassion and love. A party that seeks to exclude and deny. While they hide behind legality, they exhibit
little morality. They demagogue every
issue to build fear and hate while unscrupulously using tragedy to raise money. Compassionate conservative? Unicorns and elves.
So to me the choice is very simple: if you believe “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”, the
choice should be simple to you too.
If you believe all men are created equal then things like DOMA,
DADT, voter suppression, voter purging, and SB1070 are abhorrent as they seek
deny and exclude. If you oppose immigration
reform, the Dream Act, voter registration drives, same sex marriage, and mosque
construction you will likely never see
the other side of the equation. You see the difference between those that
chose inclusion over exclusion is simple: we know it is messy, we know that
existing laws may need to be overturned, we know it requires compromise, and we
know it requires trust to accomplish great things. Nearly every person I converse with who
chooses exclusion lacks the ability to accept the future and see the new order. And sadly many choose religious dogma as
their rationale for denying and excluding.
In 80 days we go to the polls to vote for president,
congressmen, state and local officials and probably a number of referendums and
ballot initiatives. Some will vote on
economic issues, social issues, religion, color of skin, experience, what they
heard on the radio, what they saw on TV, etc.
The campaign will continue to feature misleading ads, lies, half-truths,
innuendo, and lots of noise and little substance. Budgets, deficits, and debt issues will get resolved, They always do. This forward thinking inclusive minded
pragmatist says the status quo is almost always antiquated by the time it
becomes the status quo. Look forward,
act bold, and include.
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