I am not a Republican because:
I am not a Republican because:
I believe millionaires should pay a higher tax
rate than middle class citizens
I believe punishing people because you do not
like them is un-American
I believe civil liberties are precious and we
all benefit from the ACLU
I believe education is a national priority
I believe the free market cannot regulate itself
I believe civil rights come from nature and
someone who denies them in the name of ‘their God’ is a bigot
I believe in a strong defense but do not support
spending more than the next 17 nations combined
I believe the wall separating church from state
is tall, wide, and must never be
I believe a person’s patriotism is neither measured
by the size of his flag pin nor the number of times he says God Bless America
I believe denigrating and attacking people while
they are having tough times is abhorrent.
I realize that the world is nuanced and it is
not as simple as good guys vs bad guys
I know the invasion of Iraq was done on false
pretenses and was the single biggest cause of the rise of Iran
The same people who claim to be fiscal
conservatives are the ones who started two wars and gave the biggest tax cuts
in the nation’s history
I am smart enough to realize that federal debt
is money we have already spent and that you cannot cut your away to debt
I am smart enough to know that a reasonable
deficit reduction plan includes revenue increases and spending cuts
I believe claiming to be fiscally conservative
and not willing to cut defense spending is a fool’s errand
I believe immigration reform is a practical,
humanitarian, and fiscally sound thing to do.
I would rather err on the side of inclusion as
opposed to exclusion
I believe clean air, clean water, and safe
drinking water are not onerous regulations
I believe renewable and alternative energy
sources are a long term strategy
I believe the Defense of Marriage Act is an
I believe homosexuality is not a choice
I believe life does not begin at conception
I believe in evolution
I believe intelligent design is NOT science
I believe those that champion small government
and call for criminalization of abortion and believe we need a constitutional amendment
to define marriage are hypocrites
I believe diplomacy includes telling your
friends they are wrong and not acting in the best long term interests
I refuse to align myself with a group that has
tried to belittle, demean, delegitimize the President
I believe the establishment of public education,
social security, and Medicare make America exceptional
And finally….
I believe a nation’s greatness is measured by
how it protects the weak, the strong, the old, the young, the sick, and the
healthy and not by how many bombs it has in its arsenal
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