Part V: Digganalysis of Romney's 59 Point 'Plan'
Part V of the Digganalysis of Romney’s 59 point plan is a quick
peak into Romney’s labor and fiscal policies and an overarching summary of the
grand plan. The italics are the words directly taken from the plan in the third
person. My commentary follows.
Check’ was the top item on the union wish list, which is unsurprising, since it
goes right to the heart of current union woes about declining membership. This
change, strongly supported by President Obama…” This is another GOP red
herring along with President Obama will take your guns away. If this was so important to President Obama,
he would have pushed it through during 2009 while the Democrats controlled the
house. If anything President Obama has turned
his back on organized labor for NOT pushing ‘Card Check’ and for staying out of
the Wisconsin battle on union powers.
“In using
borrowed funds and taxpayer money to bail out General Motors and Chrysler, the
Obama administration dispensed special favors to organized labor.” This passage is indicative of the entire
Romney plan: nice headline - nothing to back it up. In fact union concessions were significant in
terms pay scales and overtime, so while Romney worries that the benefits
package at the Big Three is greater than other workers. This completely misses the point. Instead of attacking the healthcare benefits enjoyed
by union workers, he should asking non-union businesses why are they continuing to restrict healthcare
access and cut benefits. The foreign car manufacturer who sets up in Alabama
enjoys the benefits of right to work states and in the process you have one of the
most uneducated and unhealthy states in the country. He is missing the big picture.
governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney helped create an on-the-job program that
reimbursed private companies for training expenses.” But what was the outcome? How many jobs were created by this
program? Massachusetts was 47th
in the nation during Romney’s tenure as governor. The important thing is not the plan, but the
outcome. In the case of Romney’s job
creation skills as governor, the outcomes do not match the rhetoric.
traditional yardstick of gauging whether government is living within its means
is spending as a percentage of GDP. Since the 1950’s, federal spending has
hovered around 20 percent of GDP. When
president Obama took office, it shot up to 25 percent.” Once again, a great
headline but let’s dig deeper. In citing
historic numbers, Romney fails to mention that under Reagan and Bush spending
as a percent of GDP skyrocketed and this during recoveries. While under
Clinton, we experienced tremendous economic growth and spending as a percent of
GDP went DOWN. As for the Obama
spending, Romney fails to mention that every economist says that in order to
kick start a recovery, governments need to act by providing stimulus after the
economy (GDP is the measure) contracts.
Do we wish GDP was higher?
Absolutely, but if you listen to Romney, he is basically saying that
when your economy retracts, government should cut spending. I am not sure if he is ignorant, reckless, or both.
No economist would recommend cutting spending in the face of a weakened
economy. If you don’t believe me, look
at how well austerity is working out in Britain as it finds itself mired in a
nasty double dip recession.
The Romney ‘Plan’, and I use that term lightly because plan’s
include sufficient details, does include some worthwhile points: retraining of
citizens, increased visas, corporate tax reform, and long term spending
controls. The problem, err problems,
with Romney’s plan are quite numerous:
The numbers do not add up. He thinks he can further reduce taxes but not
cut defense spending.
He talks about reducing corporate tax rates, but
doesn’t say what loopholes, subsidies, or credits he will eliminate.
He sticks to the GOP platform that all regulation
is bad while ignoring that the worst economic distresses always occur after
massive cuts in regulation.
He embraces the Ryan Medicare plan but claims
there will be no adverse impact to citizens.
And most embarrassingly, his plan is so vague,
compared to president Obama’s American Jobs Act, that it can only be scored by
making unrealistic assumptions.
He promises everything, but doesn’t indicate how he will
deliver. In the end he sounds like a
teenager running for student council president promising pizza and tater tots
every day, longer recess, and no detention.
Romney loves to bash President Obama about “eating our peas”, well Mitt
that’s exactly what is going to need to happen and unlike you, I do not believe
that the wealthy get the desserts and everybody else gets canned peas.
In the end, the Romney ‘Plan’ is hollow, but worst of all,
it is bad for America.
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