Spare Me Your Morality Governor Brewer
A few weeks back I made the case of when government intervention
is proper and when it is not. A
progressive government has brought this nation its greatest advancements in safe food, water, drug, air, and drinking
water; not to mention equal rights, pensions, healthcare, and voting
rights. Yes, when government looks to deepen
and broaden society, the nation advances in education, freedom, and wealth.
When government tries to regulate or legislate morality, we end up
in a bad place. The Comstock, Mann, and
Volstead acts tried to impose a government’s belief of what constituted immoral
behavior. Most recently, DOMA, DADT, and
the ludicrously overreaching Terri Schiavo case exemplified a government off
the rails. Yes, government, state and
federal, and the courts have often been on the wrong side of dictating and
mandating which is morally acceptable based on some religious beliefs. When a politician starts his justification of
some bill or law with the law of man is secondary to the laws of God, it is safe
to say some whopper of a behavioral restricting anti-liberty whopper is coming
I have no problem with people of faith using their religion to
help guide their personal lives or to help raise their children. I am happy to welcome discussions of faith
and morality in the public discourse.
What I have a problem with is elected officials using their faith to
establish morality and subsequent create morality-based legislation. The most recent case is here in my state,
Arizona. Yes that Arizona, the laughingstock
of the nation; the place that even Mississippians point at and snicker. It seems, Governor Brewer decided to defund
Planned Parenthood based on her moral belief.
These aren’t my words, these are hers:
“I do not support the goals of Planned
Parenthood because I believe in life,” she said. “They believe in choice. So
let’s just cut right through the fat and tell it like it is.”
“I guess it’s imposing what I believe in,”
she said. “We can still put responsible limitations on those kinds of issues.
And that’s what we’ve attempted to do.”
are a moral country,” she said. “We are a moral society.”
So even though no state funds went to providing abortion
services, the Governor decided to cut funding to try and starve the
organization because it may use private donations to perform abortions; LEGAL
ABORTIONS. So Brewer found a way to use
her moral superiority to deny legally protected services.
I guess I must have missed Jan Brewer’s morality speech
about us all being God’s children when she signed SB1070. Yes I guess justice isn’t the only thing that
is blind.
I do a bad enough job as a Christian, lets not have a whole political party making Christianity look bad.