…and it makes me wonder
…and it makes me wonder
Situation in Syria is growing more complicated as
Sunni insurgents have joined the fray against the Assad regime. This is quickly pitting Saudi Arabia and
Turkey against Iran and Syria and possibly an al-Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas
versus Hezbollah while Israel sits back and monitors the situation. The humanitarian crisis has become a geopolitical
chaotic free-for-all; of course that won’t stop John McCain from calling for
immediate U.S. intervention.
I’m no economist, but I am unsure just how synthetic
collateralized debt obligations help lead to economic growth.
Imagine a plant in Alabama that produces goods
for the consume products markets. The
plant employees hate Democrats and President Obama so they will vote for a
Republican. But the demand for consumer
products is down because the 2008 financial crisis has wiped out household
balance sheets and disposable income is tight.
These households purchase less as they make cleaning supplies last, they
buy fewer over-the counter products, and they stretch the use of consumer
staples. As revenues drop at these
consumer products company they also scale back on new product and packaging
developments. The managers at the
Alabama plant see their revenues drop and realize they have to cut cost and they
quickly target labor as it is the largest component of COGS (Cost of Goods
Sold) and the fastest way to help the bottom line. So now these same, now unemployed, workers
will seek unemployment benefits and go to the polls still voting for
Republicans. Meanwhile, factory
management has discovered the beauty of productivity gains, rightly so, and as
the economy recovers they no longer need the same level of staffing. Worse those same Republican leaders fail to
see the need to invest in education for their constituents to make them more
competitive for the manufacturing methods of the future. In short time, the factory becomes uncompetitive
because it lacks the necessary skilled labor to compete globally and it shuts
its doors. The end. Epilogue: It didn’t need to end this way.
Nobody likes uncertainty. Employees need to know that someone in
management is looking out for their best interests. They also trust that the firm’s leaders have
set a vision and are steering the company effectively. Investors need to understand where they can
get the best rate of return. Banks need
to know if the probability of default is increasing before they approve a loan
to a start-up or emerging business. Yes
uncertainty can be crippling. Which is
why I agree with the GOP claims that the economic recovery is partially being
hamstrung by uncertainty. The problem is
we completely disagree on the causes of the uncertainty. The issue is not new regulations, George Bush
initiated more regulations in his first 3 years than President Obama by a 931-886 margin, but fiscal uncertainty
brought on by political failure. The GOP
controlled House and the filibuster friendly GOP Senate make compromise
impossible. Without compromise, the
nation is unable to put together a long term plan that promotes growth in the
short term and deficit management in the long term. Boehner’s unwillingness to agree in principle
to President Obama’s ‘grand plan’ out of fear of a GOP House insurgency is
creating this uncertainty. When Wall
Street executives plead with Republican leaders to come to their senses and
agree to a tax increase/spending cut compromise, they are displaying their fear
of, not the unknown, but the known fact that gridlock equals uncertainty which
equals anemic growth.
I have no doubt that Sarbanes-Oxley, Dodd-Frank,
and other regulations can add costs to businesses. It seems the biggest beneficiaries of these
regulations are the consultants hired to implement the necessary controls. Did government overreach? That depends on whether you think the free
market enterprises can be trusted to regulate themselves. I do believe most business leaders are
honorable men and women, unfortunately Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, AIG, Lehman Brothers, and scores of others
have ruined the idea of self-regulation.
The problem isn’t the presence of regulation, but the amount of
ineffective legislation resulting in poor enforcement is the result of outsourcing
the creation of laws to lobbyists and special interests. Government certainly cannot regulate behavior
but too many cases corporate boards are ineffective in managing risk or
overseeing compliance.
There’s a belief that whatever the government
does, the private sector could do more effectively, efficiently, and
cheaper. There is some truth to
that. True free market competition
drives innovation which eliminates waste and improves performance especially when
compared to SOES (State Owned Enterprises) which tend to become bloated and
stagnant. But is that true when the government
outsources or privatizes some services?
Well no. Have you ever heard of a
defense project coming in ahead of schedule and under budget? Did you know, according to Rachel Maddow’s
fine book Drift, the Halliburton subsidiary Brown and Root
charged the federal government $86/sheet of plywood to build the barracks for
our armed forces sent to the Balkans in the 1990’s? The bid price was $14/sheet, but since the
government must use a cost+ model with contractors, the American taxpayer got
stuck with that ridiculous bill; a price that hurricane fighting residents in Florida
never see during the peak of price gauging.
The scary part of plywoodgate?
The price increases were necessitated to cover “Management and
Administration” also known as non-value added overhead. Now what was that about government waste.
Government bashing is easy but putting a Venture Capitalist
at the helm isn’t a solution.
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