Monday Mishegas May 14 2002
Ina Drew, Chief Investment Officer at JP Morgan Chase, and her
15.5Million salary are out. The 30 year
employee could be getting another $14million as a severance package. Yes because nothing says pay for performance
like getting a $14million bonus following a $2Billion and rising loss.
fine = I wish I could tell you how I really feel.' The words of 13 yr old seventh grader Rachel Ehmke who hanged herself after repeatedly being harassed
and tormented by her classmates. The
latest ‘Mean Girls’ episode shows that while right wing social conservatives like
Arizona’s Cathi Herrod try to portray bullying as a gay problem, this current
bullying is neither gender nor sexual orientation specific. Today’s social media makes the ordeal of
bullying a 24/7 hell that goes beyond the classroom. Parents, school officials, law enforcement
agencies, social services, and healthcare specialists need to snap out this lackadaisical
approach. A 13 yr old girl is dead. A girl who never kissed a boy, but was unrelentingly
labeled a slut. No, we’re not fine.
If Bill Clinton
was the 1st black President, and now Barack Obama is the 1st
gay President, I wonder:
Jon Huntsman be the 1st Chinese President?
Mitt Romney be the 1st Cyborg President?
Newt Gingrich be the 1st interstellar President?
Rick Santorum be the 1st Cardinal in Chief?
Sarah Palin be the 1st Illiterate President?
Yahoo Chief Executive Scott Thompson stepped down on Sunday,
10 days after being accused him of padding his biography by faking a computer
science degree. I guess he’s ready to
start his political career.
Thank you Justice
Kennedy. According to the LA Times, 70%
of political ads aired to date in 2012 have been negative compared to just 9.1%
in 2008. Yes Citizens United has
certainly made election campaigns better.
93% of immigrants
applying for U.S. citizenship correctly answered 6 of 10 questions about
American history and government. In a
similar survey, only 65% of native born Americans could get 6 of 10 questions
right. My guess the number for members
of Congress would probably be closer to 30%.
And I leave you
with this: the Republican Party is indeed the Party of No. No new ideas, no understanding of global
affairs, no willingness to negotiate, no sense of justice, no long term plans,
no sense of honor, no concern for the poor, no love for the weak, no affinity
for hope. It’s time America. It’s time to just say no to the GOP and their
exploitation of this nation’s value.
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