Our own immigrant past
This week the Supreme Court heard arguments concerning
Arizona’s anti-immigration law known as SB1070.
As many of you know, I have blogged extensively about 20th
century immigration policy, economic impact of documented and undocumented
workers, and what immigration reform needs to include. I believe public officials and pundits
conflate immigration and trafficking as they conflate border security with
police work. But this post isn’t about
the legal arguments or public policy.
Instead, why is it such an emotional subject? Why are so many Americans angry at
undocumented workers and why have so many of us forgotten our own past?
America has a checkered past of xenophobia and intolerance
of immigrants. Anti-Catholic sentiments
led to persecution of Catholics, anti-Semitism was prevalent against many
Germans and Eastern Europeans, and anti-socialists and anti-labor movements led
to the unlawful prosecutions, deportations, and imprisonments of Russian,
Italian, and other European immigrants.
Nativism was also a force against Asian immigrants and remains in effect
today. But if we are truly a nation of
immigrants why do so many hate or fear those that are new to this country?
Anti-immigrant fervor correlates with tough economic
times. Major recessions in the late 19th
century, early 20th century, the Great Depression, the 1950’s, the
late 1970’s, and most recently during the Great Recession. It also spikes during social upheaval,
usually tied to great progressive movements associated with the suffragette
movement, minority rights, labor movement, free speech, and the recurring
nastiness of the culture wars. It is
neither unusual or unexpected that anti-immigrant flames would burn the
brightest during tough times or during major change; people like comfort and
Conservatives are addicted to status quo and comfort.
I am sure there is a biological reason why some people
identify themselves as progressive while others lean towards the conservative
mantras. What I don’t get, again, is how some people
can white wash their own past, the cover up the trails their ancestors blazed,
and fall in line. For American Jews in
2012 to support the likes of Kris Kobach, Russell Pearce, and other
anti-immigrant zealots is still strange to me considering our own recent
immigration history.
The story of the Hamburg Lines St. Louis, the infamous Voyage of the Damned, where Jews trying to
escape persecution in Germany, faced rejection in every port, including the
U.S. only to return to Europe where many of the passengers ultimately ended up
in the death camps to be systematically exterminated. Just 73 years ago this sad story took place,
a story of an unwanted people, a people that were feared, hated, and
disposable. I am not comparing the
plight of undocumented workers from Mexico or Central America to the genocide
of European Jews. What I am trying to
get at is how we can lose our humanity, our empathy, or love for fellow
Some will counter that undocumented workers need to be
rounded up, jailed, or deported because the broke the law by crossing
illegally. They are so concerned that
these members of the community are a threat that they want to use schools,
hospitals, and neighbors to report these individuals as criminals. Yes the rule of law. So tell me “by the book” Patriots, you have
ever ran a red light? Exceeded the speed limit? Augmented a tax deduction or
two? I am not buying.
Separating families is not about being a law-abiding
citizen. Blaming those that cannot
defend themselves is not patriotic.
Making up false claims that undocumented workers cause high healthcare
costs or are bankrupting the nation is not defending the notion that all men
are created equal. When we deny our own
pasts under the veil of being pro-immigration but anti-illegal immigration we
are either deluding ourselves or we have lost our humanity. When we claim to be Christians but see
nothing wrong with creating a two class system, we need a dictionary and a
But there are signs of hope.
The Mormon Church was instrumental in seeing the bigoted Russell Pearce
recalled and defeated in Arizona. The
state of Utah is trying to work on a worker visa program that enables a pathway
to citizenship. And while the majority
of Americans support Arizona’s SB1070, they draw the line at using teachers and
nurses as ICE agents.
It is a shame that
yesteryear’s victims of bigotry have forgotten their own history.
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