Did Sun Tzu Ever Manage A Political Campaign?
I have never worked on a Presidential campaign, let alone
run one. I watch political television shows,
but I am no pundit. I have never
conducted a political poll, let alone been part of one. So why do I think those that criticize the
Obama reelection campaign strategy of attacking Romney as a ‘severe
conservative’ are wrong. Perhaps it’s because
I see a chess match where they see checkers.
Perhaps it’s because while we live in a digital world, life is still
analog: things aren’t simply 1’s and 0’s.
The Presidential campaign will feature ebbs and tides as we
get closer to November. Poll numbers
will go up, go down, move sideways, and the 24 hour news cycle will cause
candidates and their surrogates to react accordingly and push the campaign off
its planned axis. All that being said,
there is no such thing as a homogenous presidential campaign just like the
election is really 51 separate elections.
Tactic #1: If all politics are local, shouldn’t the message
be the same? Absolutely. In the southwestern states like Colorado, New
Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada, the Obama campaign should fill the airwaves,
especially Spanish speaking radio and television stations, with ads attacking Romney’s
statements about building fences on the border, calling Arizona policy a
national model, forcing immigrants to self deport, and of course “I can’t have
any illegal immigrants working for me, I am running for President for Pete’s
sake.” On a similar vein, you can bet that in
auto-industry dependent states in the rustbelt, ads about Romney wanting to let
Detroit die will be on every TV and radio station from Wisconsin to
Pennsylvania. Oh and don’t forget that in states with socially progressive and
independent constituencies the messages against Romney will include his attacks
on Planned Parenthood, Pell Grants, DADT repeal, and contraceptive access will
be highlighted. Conversely, it will not
do the President’s people any good to run the Romney anti-gay ads in Southwest
where Hispanics with strong Catholic faith may not be so inclined to agree with
the President. Know your audience and give
them what they want.
Tactic #2: Set the battlefield to your liking and your
terms. The popular belief is that the
President’s campaign should paint Romney as a flip flopper to make him look bad
to independents while forcing the conservatives to stay at home. They often cite the Bush attacks on Kerry as
their basis for such an attack. The
problem is that this isn’t 2004, when we were still mired in the failed Iraqi
expedition and any sign of indecisiveness would be framed as weakness while
jeopardizing American national security.
Secondly, conservatives will come out to vote for Romney, not out love
for the man, but because of hatred for Obama.
But why paint him as ‘severely conservative”? While many Americans are financially
conservative, they’re becoming more and more socially progressive. This is especially true for independents,
like yours truly, who see a role for government as steward of the economy but
no role in legislating morality. In the
course of the Republican campaign, Romney was forced to tack so far to the
right on social issues that coupled with his anti-middle class rhetoric about
Detroit, firing people, and preferring foreclosure to allow investors to swoop
in, the Obama campaign will be able to paint him as a free market fanatic with
a heavy dose of right wing social engineering.
Oh, he doesn’t worry about poor people.
Tactic #3: Prepare for the pivot. As predicted by his own campaign, Captain
Etch-A-Sketch will try to pivot and he will set out to do so immediately,
especially after the ‘severe conservative’ attacks mount. At the critical moment where Romney has built
the irresistible force, remove the immovable object and hammer him with the
misguided candidate who can’t figure out what the right thing to do is. If he attempts to walk back his right wing repressive
social positions nail him for pandering.
Also, unless he hasn’t explained his economic plan, which is such a mess
it can’t be scored by the CBO, in further detail, make him do so now. His latest disaster would add $500Billion to
the deficit in 2015 and leave us with a debt equal to 96% of GDP in 2021. Independents will be aghast at hearing that.
In sports, teams have a game plan, in war, commanders have a
battle plan. In both cases, plans often go
out the window after the initial engagement.
In the case of campaigns, play it out for four quarters, and change it
up as necessary. Set the tone and be proactive,
never reactive. The Obama campaign must
always own the initiative and switch tactics at the right moment. Make Romney react to the attacks, and then
when he has neutralized the current attack, and he will, move onto something else.
Make him react to his own ‘severely conservative’ label and then get him
as a pandering flip flopping empty brooks Brothers Suit. It’s the best of both worlds.
How did the novice do?
"Sun Tzu" - more correctly Ping-fa, was written to support one of the most important political campaigns in history: the founding of China. It was the creation of a scholarly academy in Qin, the state that ended the period of the Warring States, and - without war - succeeded in amalgamating the combative states. http://tinyurl.com/bq5klsn