Monday Mishegas April 30, 2012
Two girls were hit by an SUV as they fell asleep sunbathing
on a rural Pennsylvania Rd. Fire for
I guess roadblocks are more effective than
sunblock when street tanning
I have heard of the dangers of UVA and UVB, but
never SUV.
Pennsylvania, proving it just may not be smarter
than a 5th grader.
Did their guidance counselor tell them they
wouldn’t mount to anything better than a speed bump?
Soybean prices are climbing rapidly due to increased demand
and poor yields in South America. The
high price may cause food shortages in the developing world like 2008. I can hear Sarah Palin already “The President’s
failed agricultural policies have led us to near disaster in the farmland. Sow baby sow, sow baby sow.”
Kurt Mix, a 50 year old BP engineer was the 1st person
arrested in connection with the infamous gulf spill. Mix is charged with two counts of obstruction
of justice for deleting emails. Two
years later and a low level engineer is the first and only arrest? Shameful.
How about the execs who made safety secondary to profits?
Apparently it never occurred to the geniuses who crafted the
various ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws that criminals could use the law as
justification for deliberate homicide.
Tennessee Judge Terry Lewis “The law would appear to allow a person to seek
out an individual, provoke him into a confrontation, then shoot and kill him if
he goes for his gun.” Lewis knows, because
he had to releases two defendants who did just that.
Nightmare scenario, the Romney cabinet:
SecState: John Bolton
SecTreasury: Lloyd Blankfein
SecInterior: Aubrey McClendon
SecDefense: Fred Kagan
Vice President: Chris Christie
National Security Advisor: Cofer Black
Mitt ‘The Etch-A-Sketch’ Romney got me thinking about
childhood games:
Monopoly: Or what Mitt calls a day at the office
Risk: How Romney see’s the world. That existential threat from Kamchatka.
Operation: Sorry no taking out wrenched ankle
for you, it’s a pre-existing condition
Car Bingo: Dog-On-Roof
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