GOP Moderators: If Trump is OK, why not these folks.

      Kim Kardashian: Who else to lead these Conservative candidates on the sanctity of marriage. After all, the Defense of Marriage is at stake! 

  Ozzy Osbourne: Perfect for Ron Paul as to why all drugs need to be legalized

Westboro Baptist Church’s Fred Phelps with Koran burning Terry Jones about Sharia law and homosexual deviants.  The sweet spot for Bachmann, Santorum, Perry, and Gingrich.

 Charlie Sheen the man knows winning and his manic style will keep them on their toes.

Former Miss South Carolina Teen USA Caitlin Upton because the questions should be as confusing as the answers.  Besides, it will make Rick Perry feel at home.

      Chuck Barris a la Gong Show with Jaye P Morgan, Gene Gene the Dancing machine, Rex Reed, and the Unknown Comic.  After all the GOP race is a joke and what better way to silence these candidates.


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