As we lower the curtain on 2011...

I leave 2011 with some more of the impudence, impertinence, and irreverence:
San Diego State University and Boise State University will be joining the Big East Conference in 2013.  No wonder American kids suck at geography.
Today’s 24/7 news cycle and political pundits can make or break a candidate in 2011 faster than a real crisis; might as well have Simon and Paula become political analysts.
To those Obama 2008 supporters thinking of backing Romney, you need to ask yourselves why you supported Obama to begin with, because Romney is more like McCain than Obama.
If I am President Obama I discover my emotional intelligence side and start connecting with folks.  The emotional aspect of voting decisions cannot be underestimated.
If vaccines can make you retarded, then Michele Bachmann’s supporters remain the most inoculated demographic in America.
While America focuses on the presidential election, the Walker recall election, likely in May or June, will provide some potential insight into the national landscape.
With all of the campaign and Super Pac funding available, residents in Ohio, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Indiana, Colorado, and other battleground states will be getting bombarded with campaign ads.  MTV’s Jersey Shore may be more appealing.
Speaking of Jersey Shore, another season starts on Thursday.  Not since the Olive Garden commercials has TV done more to damage perception of Italian Americans.
Thought your 401k took a beating in 2008?  Imagine what will happen with “Ladies and Gentlemen President Ron Paul”.  Markets don’t like uncertainty and they hate crazy.
A final 2011 reminder that Bowles-Simpson failed to be approved by the bipartisan private/public committee thanks greatly due to Republican congressmen Hensarling, Camp, and Ryan.
Once more Hillaryites, she won’t be on the ticket for 2012.  Give it up and come to grips with the fact she is a damn fine Secretary of State but WON’T be VP.
Ryan Seacrest, Carson Daly, and Dick Clark hosting ABC’s New Year’s Eve show.  Never mind water boarding; that is some serious torture.
I guess I missed the exceptionality of Warhorse.  A very good movie, but I didn’t feel it.  And who names a horse Joey?  What about Rusty?
Ron Paul wins the Iowa caucus; Mitt Romney declares victory.
….and coming in 2012 more political, socioeconomic, sports, current events and entertainment news and analysis.


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