We live in a world of imperfect choices
“We live in a world of imperfect choices.” Those words were spoken today by President Obama during his speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Eight simple words that adeptly describe most geopolitical situations and the decisions world leaders face. We live in an uncertain world were the only certainty is being second guessed. Second guessed by political pundits and opposition mouth pieces whose only skill is Monday morning quarterbacking and backseat driving. Imperfect choices indeed. Syria: Get involved to stop the slaughter and risk getting bogged down in another Middle East Muslim nation. Force regime change to get rid of a despotic butcher, only to risk replacing him with a failed state home to terrorists or a radical Sunni regime committed to attacking Israel. Arm the rebels so they can defend themselves, and in the process increase the rate of killing and perhaps arming the same guys we way fight in the near future. Egyp...
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