Drill Bedbug Drill

-        It seems the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, the hotel hosting the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) and its headlining guests Romney, Cheney, Trump, Bachmann, etc. is infested with bedbugs.  That’s right the hotel is under siege from parasites who feed off human blood and they also have bed bugs.
-        Some entertainment news for you.  Check out the documentary ‘Catfish’ a trip into the world of the sociology and psychology of social networking.  It is creepy, sad, loving, and 100% rewarding.  Additionally, check out ‘Easy A’, a smart humorous teen film starring the funny and talented Emma Stone.  On the TV front, sad to see Friday Night Lights end its run, great acting, writing, directing, characters, etc.  On the plus side, we have Southland, Justified, Lights Out, and Shameless.
-        More air travel gripes.  ‘Board when your group is called.”  A simple freaking instruction.  If your boarding pass says zone 4, that comes after 1, 2, and 3.   I want my pilot to get me to my destination safely and on-time.  I don’t need him to point out every city or town with a population over 300,000 between Philly and Phoenix.   I have enough credit cards, I don’t need to be told on every USAir flight about an exciting new credit card offer from USAir, Visa, and JP Morgan Chase.
-        I understand Delta Airlines is sending its employees to charm school to make them better at customer service.  Yeah, nothing like a forced shit eating smile telling you about your $150 change fee and $50 checked bags fee.  Next time charmer buy me dinner before you try to screw me.
-        “..a lack of operating discipline, toleration of serious deviations from safe operating practices, and apparent complacency toward serious process-safety risks.” That is an excerpt from the government’s assessment of BP following a major deadly US petroleum incident.  And no it’s not the 2010 Deepwater Horizon incident that killed 11 men and dumped 206million gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico.  It is the March 23, 2005 blast at its Texas City refinery near Galveston that killed 15 people and injured 180 others.  I think BP has trouble with lessons learned and process improvement.
-        For a great read, pick up the inspiring Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, the author of Seabiscuit.  You will not be able to put it down.
-        Tea Party Republicans want to cut Federal funding to the Public Broadcasting System (PBS).  I believe many of whom have never watched PBS and most believe it is related to ‘female anatomy parts and such’.


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