Tonight Following Glenn Beck on Fox, Crazy World With Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Iran’s Ahmadinejad released this statement following days of violent crackdowns against protesters in Arab Bahrain, Libya, and Yemen: "How can a leader subject his own people to a shower of machine-guns, tanks and bombs? How can a leader bomb his own people, and afterwards say 'I will kill anyone who says anything?'".  I seriously want — from all heads of states — to pay attention to their people and cooperate, to sit down and talk, and listen to their words. Why do they act so badly that their people need to apply pressure for reforms?”  When word of this hypocritical statement reached the desk of Roger Ailes, the Faux News President screamed to head his head of Human Resources “He’s just what we we’re looking for after Hannity on weeknights.  Does he have an agent?”
Stay tuned for more on this story.  It appears that the U.S. military was allegedly conducting psy ops (psychological operations) against visiting dignitaries to the Afghanistan Theater in the hopes of convincing these visitors, including U.S. lawmakers McCain, Lieberman, Levin, Franken, and others,  to support the war effort.  Psy ops are traditionally used by forces to convince the other side to give up the will to continue fighting.  But this initiative against US citizens, ahhh yes it’s against the law, was the brain child of Lt. Gen William Caldwell who pressured soldiers to conduct these operations.  Oh, Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff was also targeted by Caldwell’s crew; I guess Caldwell will be joining McChrystal in retirement somewhere.  Paging Laurence Harvey and Frank Sinatra.
President Obama has instructed the Justice Department not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).  According to Attorney General Eric Holder President Barack Obama has concluded that the administration cannot defend the federal law that defines marriage as only between a man and a woman. He noted that the congressional debate during passage of the Defense of Marriage Act "contains numerous expressions reflecting moral disapproval of gays and lesbians and their intimate and family relationships - precisely the kind of stereotype-based thinking and animus the (Constitution's) Equal Protection Clause is designed to guard against."  Now the President isn’t necessarily personally for same-sex marriage, but he is against denying benefits for people.  He is also for making sure his base gets something to get revved up about while he is forced to compromise on a number of Liberal issues during the budget cutting debate.
This one is a head scratcher.  You probably saw this story in the news in January.  Mississippi Governor  Haley Barbour granted Jamie Scott an early prison release because she suffers from kidney failure, but he agreed to let sister transplant kidney donor Gladys Scott go on the condition she follow through on an offer to donate a kidney to her sister. Now the proposed kidney transplant that won two Mississippi sisters their freedom from prison can't take place until one quits smoking and they lose a combined 160 pounds. These sisters have been in prison for 16 years.  Question: what the heck are they serving in the Mississippi prison system that resulted in these women becoming 100 and 60 pounds overweight respectively?  The homeless, indigent, and impoverished must be jealous.
Former New York Gubernatorial candidate Jimmy McMillan of the Rent is Too Damn High party has set his sights on the presidency and has switched his allegiance to the Republican Party.  "I'm here to wake the Republican Party up and tell all these Republicans who keep running for office that you have nothing to offer the American public," McMillan said. "Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump is my dog, don't get me wrong...but they have nothing to offer. They're just talking."  Can you see Jimmy debating Palin?  “I can’t see Russia from my house, cuz I can’t afford a house, cuz the rent’s too damn high.” 
Charlie Sheen goes on a tropical vacation near the Bahamas with porn star Bree Olson, ‘nanny’ Natalie Kenly, and ex-wife Brooke Mueller.  It’s official, he is now the world’s most interesting man.  Somewhere Jon Cryer is crying himself to sleep.


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