
Showing posts from February, 2011

End of the month clearance sale

While everyone is focusing on Charlie Sheen’s rant and rage and often incoherent interview last week with Alex Jones, not enough people are focusing on the bigger question:   Who is Alex Jones?   Here is a sampler of what the syndicated radio talk show host espouses: -         President Obama is an Indonesian -         US Government was behind 9/11 -         US Government is giving its land to the United Nations -         Water fluoridation is a government mind control program -         Claims the government wants to merge the US with Mexico and Canada -         Federal Reserve is owned by the Bank of England And those are the least crazy of Jones’ theories.   Yep he is a great match for Sheen’s madness. Speaking of nuts.   Louis Farrakhan has emerged from his ...

TEA Partiers Suck at History

More from the facts-challenged Michelle Bachmann: "the very founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States....Men like John Quincy Adams, who would not rest until slavery was extinguished in the country."   Let’s see JQA died in 1848 and Lincoln didn’t deliver the emancipation proclamation until 1863.   Oh and one key reason why we even have a Constitution?   The Founding Fathers knew that slavery was such a toxic topic that it had to be kicked down the road (again and again) in order to get ratification.   It took 75 years after constitutional ratification before slavery was abolished.   Just because you wear a tri-corn hat, doesn’t mean you know shit about American History. John Boehner and the rest of the Conservatives have accused President Obama of overreaching on his decision not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).   Did Lincoln overreach with Emancipation proclamation?   Did Truman...

DiggAcademy Awards Predictions & Commentary

Best Picture The Fighter Kings Speech   - Will Win Black Swan Social Network - Should Win True Grit The Kids are Alright Inception 127 Hours Toy Story 3 Winters Bone Commentary:   King’s Speech had great performances by Rush and Firth, but so did every other nominated movie.   King’s was a fine movie but if it wins it will be the biggest travesty since Shakespeare In Love bested Saving Private Ryan for Best Picture in 1998.   Social Network was well paced, entertaining, and gripping.   For the record, if Best Picture goes to the most enjoyable experience, I would rate The Fighter, Social Network, Black Swan, True Grit, and Inception over King’s Speech. Best Actor Colin Firth – Will Win/Should Win Jeff Bridges Javier Bardem James Franco Jesse Eisenberg The above commentary notwithstanding, Colin Firth was incredible and deserves the Oscar.   I like Jesse Eisenberg, but after seeing Zombieland and Adventureland (Perhaps Social Network should have been named...

New Feature: Sunday Talk Show Recap

John McCain wants to start another war in Libya by calling for a no fly zone and recognizing a provisional government in Benghazi.     This war mongering dinosaur needs to STHU.   Just like his rush to invade Iraq, call for bombing Iran, and supporting Georgia in its local squabble over the province of South Ossetia   that led to Russian intervention and Grandpa’s calling for NATO action.   The man is dangerous and needs to retire somewhere far far away. Wisconsin Governor Walker failed to make his argument about eliminating collective bargaining for public unions on non-salary benefits.   His claim that his need to neuter the unions is for fiscal balance is hollow as unions have met the Governor’s demands and his clear attacks on public employees normally supportive of Democrats   (teachers) versus those that are supportive of Republicans (Fire and Police).    The politics of budgets. South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley wants to throw the Wi...

A New Reality Show: America's Biggest Douche

Georgia legislator Bobby Franklin may be the biggest douche on the planet: 1)       Sponsored a bill that would require all taxes to be paid on gold and silver. 2)       Wants to eliminate toll roads 3)       Wants to eliminate income taxes 4)       Wants to eliminate mandatory vaccinations, 5)         Wants state rape laws to change the term ‘rape victim’ to ‘accuser’. 6)       Wants to call miscarriages ‘prenatal murder’   "The State of Georgia has the duty to protect all innocent life from the moment of conception until natural death," the bill stated. "We know that life begins at conception. After nearly four decades of legal human prenatal murder, it is now abundantly clear that the practice has negatively impacted the people of this state in many ways, including economic, health, physical, psychological, emotional, and...

Can we Oursource Palin?

Batshit Bachmann is at it again.   “ Sarah Stoesz, who heads the Planned Parenthood operation in my state of Minnesota, said she recently opened three express centers in wealthy Minnesota suburbs and shopping centers and malls and places where women are doing their grocery shopping, picking up Starbucks, living their daily lives and stopping off for an abortion.”   You would think the abortion center would provide complementary scones and lattes.   Does Planned Parenthood have a drive-thru? Speaking of Right Wing Lunacy, it seems Sarah Palin will be getting her $100,000 appearance fee from India Today Magazine and will be speaking in India this March.   Some things that come to mind: 1)       Is she in search of outsourced votes? 2)       She heard she was speaking in New Dehli and thought it meant Carnegie Deli opened a location in Anchorage. 3)       Danny Boyle is shooting a sequel to his ...

Tonight Following Glenn Beck on Fox, Crazy World With Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Iran’s Ahmadinejad released this statement following days of violent crackdowns against protesters in Arab Bahrain, Libya, and Yemen: "How can a leader subject his own people to a shower of machine-guns, tanks and bombs? How can a leader bomb his own people, and afterwards say 'I will kill anyone who says anything?'".   I seriously want — from all heads of states — to pay attention to their people and cooperate, to sit down and talk, and listen to their words. Why do they act so badly that their people need to apply pressure for reforms?”   When word of this hypocritical statement reached the desk of Roger Ailes, the Faux News President screamed to head his head of Human Resources “He’s just what we we’re looking for after Hannity on weeknights.   Does he have an agent?” Stay tuned for more on this story.   It appears that the U.S. military was allegedly conducting psy ops (psychological operations) against visiting dignitaries to the Afghanistan Theater in the hopes...

Conservatives are CooCoo for Cocoa Puffs

Each morning I wake up and I wonder if I will have any material for my anti-conservative catharsis, and voila (that’s French, Tea Party Putzes) sure as the sun rises I have a whole cornucopia of conservative craziness. Former Tea Party Express leader Mark Williams is seeking volunteers to pose with him as members of the Service Employees International Union at a Sacramento, California, rally, to act like angry fools and get the union workers bad publicity from "lazy reporters".   Williams is obviously pulling a page from the James O’Keefe Acorn hoax playbook for making shit up as you go. Williams is a former member of the Tea Party Express because of the following 2010 statements:   ·         Williams had labeled the Manhattan boro president a "Jewish Uncle Tom" and President Obama an "Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug." ·         In the voice of slaves, Williams wrote: "Mr. Lincoln, you were the greates...

Conservatives: Is There a Rosetta Stone for Crazy?

Clarence Thomas celebrated his 5 th anniversary of not speaking during a court argument.   According to The Week over the course of these five years, he has offered up the following reasons: 1) Being self-conscious about his accent; 2) Feeling that the bench already asks enough questions; 3) Thinking that another justice will inevitably ask any question he might pose; 4) Believing that he learns more by listening than by talking; and 5) Feeling that it's "counterproductive" to interrupt lawyers in the middle of their arguments.    I wonder if this condition is contagious to other conservatives. Michelle Bachmann: “Our Peace Prize-winning president is very busy bowing these days to kings. He is bending down to dictators, and he is brown-nosing the elites that are in Europe, and he's babying the jihadists who are following Sharia-compliant terrorism. He is callow and confused and inconsistent in his response to the Egyptian crisis, and to the uprisings in Iran, and to...

Doc Holiday would call Arizona crazy.

I think Bill Clinton looks to George H.W. Bush as the father he never had, while conversely H.W. looks at Clinton as the son he wished he had. (That one comes from Mrs. Diggapedia) Jesse James to pen memoir…who cares. The Inconvenient Truth about healthcare.   Professor Katherine Baicker, Professor of Health Economics at Harvard: “There is no painless way to contain rising healthcare spending.   Limits on what treatments are covered by public programs or private insurance; payment reform so hospitals and doctors are not necessarily paid more for carrying out more procedures; and, in some cases, more copayments by patients may all be needed.”   Tough love, but we are headed towards rationing because we can’t afford the current trajectory.   Anybody know what an MRI costs?   Nope, because it’s covered by insurance.   That folks is the problem. An update to the February 14 th posting about the conviction of Arizona Minuteman leader Shawna Forde: the Pima Coun...

Can Palin see Libya from her house?

I can already here the chants from Palin and the rest of the gas and oil crowd that we need to drill more offshore and in Alaska because we are so dependent on Mideast oil and the recent unrest there is jeopardizing our national interests.   Also, the crisis in Libya is already causing major increases in crude oil prices.   Unfortunately, that is only half of the truth.   The price of oil/barrel and ultimately the price at the pump will spike because commodities traders are now trying to cover their short positions by buying oil long.   In English, commodity traders were betting oil was going to be going down and now are betting heavily it will go up.   When there are a lot of long bets the price increases from the regional tumult get further exacerbated. Looking at the tables below, you can see that in the top table that summarizes oil imports into the US Libya does not even appear.   While in the 2 nd table, Libya doesn’t even crack the top 20 in global ...