Endorsement v Coercion & The Town of Greece (NY) v Galloway
Most casual Supreme Court watchers tune in every June to
hear how the highest court in the land rules on the landmark cases. The arguments for these cases take place in
the fall and it is one such case that has piqued my interest on both content
and personal grounds: Town of Greece (NY) v Galloway. According to SCOTUSBlog, the issue is Whether
the court of appeals erred in holding that a legislative prayer practice
violates the Establishment Clause notwithstanding the absence of discrimination
in the selection of prayer-givers or forbidden exploitation of the prayer
opportunity, but what
makes this one personal is I lived in Greece for many years and still spend
significant time there.
Greece, NY is a typical northeastern suburban town. Mostly white, moderate to conservative,
predominantly Christian, 24 of the 26 houses of worship fall within the realm
of Christianity, with the typical landscape of fast food, pizza places, chain
restaurants, strip malls, neighborhoods, and local bars where everybody does
know your name. And unlike the media
reporting, it is not a small quaint town, it is big town of over 90,000
residents. This is neither hard core red
state evangelical country nor liberal granola eating tree hugger country.
The background,
courtesy of Pew Research Religion and Public Life Project:
Since 1999, the Greece town board has opened its monthly sessions with a
prayer. In 2007, Susan Galloway, who is Jewish, and Linda Stephens, who is
atheist, complained that the prayers “aligned the town with Christianity.” As
non-Christians, they said they felt both coerced to participate and isolated
during the ceremony. The board responded that anyone (regardless of faith
tradition or beliefs) could volunteer to recite a prayer and the town was not
trying to exclude anyone, as a result, the meetings have begun with
Christian, Jewish, Baha'i, and Wiccan invocations.
Over the last five years, the case has made its way through
federal court, district court, the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals, and now the U.S. Supreme Court.
And while I am no lawyer, constitutional or otherwise, I did take a
Business Law class, watched a lot of L.A. Law, and slept in Holiday Inn
Express. Joking aside, First Amendment
cases have always intrigued me, especially those involving the Establishment
Clause and the lesser known Endorsement Test, and when you mix in the politics
of the now, you have a potentially groundbreaking case.
The case law is extensive and various court opinions are
intriguing. If you want to learn more, I
suggest Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971) source of the aptly named Lemon test, Lynch v
Donnelly (1984), especially Sandra Day O’Connor’s opinion which created the
Endorsement test, and the more recent Justice Kennedy’s Coercion test from Allegheny
County v ACLU.
What’s my take?
I am a staunch supporter of the 1st Amendment in
both the protection of free speech and the prohibition of an established
religion. I believe prayer has no place
in public schools, and I have no problem with nativity scenes. I know the original Pledge of Allegiance did
not include “under
God”, and it was modified about the same time “In God We Trust” became our
national motto; it was the 1950’s and we had a new enemy, the godless Soviet
heathens. I sang the Christmas Carols,
much to the chagrin of my classmates who had to hear me, in elementary school
while I was going to Hebrew School. You
don’t have to share my beliefs to be my friend, and your beliefs are not a prerequisite
to friendship. I am bothered by the preoccupation
with our elected officials’ beliefs, and does the President really need to end
every speech with “God Bless America”? I
know politics leads to a lot of arguments, and when you throw in religion,
families and friendships can be torn asunder. Trying to include all seems like
a good idea and is often seen at as a compromise, but rarely solves
problems. Merry Christmas doesn’t bother
me, and an Islamic Center in New York City shouldn’t bother you. Religion has its
place in the public square, just not in public policy.
What’s the big deal?
Congress has two chaplains and sessions include prayers. By opening the meeting to all invocations isn’t
the Town of Greece doing the opposite of establishing A religion? Does the Establishment Clause prevent the selection
of one religion over another AND the use of any religion over no religion? People
have places of worship where they can practice their faith, should legal
proceedings include a religious element? Legally, this may come down to the
Endorsement test vs. the Coercion test.
Politically speaking, those on the left will back Galloway
and Stephens and those on the right will back the town. Hannity and O’Reilly will call this the
continued war on Christmas, David Barton will claim we are a Christian Nation, Bill
Maher will ask why is a prayer even necessary, and whatever side loses will
call these jurists activist judges. Justice
isn’t blind, it’s political.
My take? I would feel
a lot more comfortable if religious invocations were not part of the governmental
process. We seemed to do just fine
before we had to tell the world “In God We Trust.”
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