Diggathoughts, musings, opinions, questions, and observations.
Diggathoughts, musings, opinions,
questions, and observations.
1) It is
neither reasonable to think renewable energy sources can immediately replace
fossil fuels nor is it reasonable to think we can drill our way to a better
2) If you
deny man’s impact on climate change and at the same time say God will make sure
we are saved because the promise he made to Noah, you are the perfect
Republican Congressman to be a member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. (psst that would be John Shimkus).
3) When Dick
Lugar and Bill Bennett, Republican senators who voted with their GOP colleagues
90% of the time are considered ‘not conservative enough’ then you know that
party has moved off the charts to the right.
4) The main
stream media should be ashamed of themselves for failing to portray the true
Paul Ryan, the true ultra-social conservative who would deny contraception and
ban abortion on religious grounds.
Calling Ryan and his cabal of Blunt, Broun, Akin, Mourdock, and Bachmann
out for their Taliban-like social stances is the media’s duty.
5) GOP tries
to discredit Nate Silver because his election prediction model doesn't consider
'God's Will' in the algorithm.
6) Ripped
right from the conservative leaning Economist “Its (The U.S.) government spends barely more than 0.1% of
GDP on “active labour-market policies” to get the less skilled back to work,
one-fifth of the OECD average. Only half of American children attend
pre-school. China plans to have 70% of its children in three years of
pre-school by 2020.” And yet the GOP thinks closing the education
gap can happen at the state level?
7) Block
grants and vouchers are Republican code speak for privatization and
8) If
you really oppose income redistribution, then you should oppose ‘carried
interest’ which allows private-equity managers to pay obscenely low capital
gains tax rates.
9) I
wish liberal media would stop questioning blue collar workers who vote
Republican and in the process vote against their own best interests. There are many of us who vote for progressive
causes and against our own best interests.
10) Remember when Tip O'Neill said is goal was to make Reagan
a one term President? Me neither.
11) Judge a leader by those he surrounds himself with.
Romney: Sununu, Trump, Bolton, Mankiw, Hubbard, Senor. Be afraid, be very very
12) Early indicators on Nov 6th: FL and VA
polls close at 7pm EST and OH at 7:30pm EST.
13) Rape is God's will. Taliban teaching? No.
Salafist teaching? No. How about good ole home grown GOP ideology
14) Watched 20 minutes of the Jersey Shore and
perhaps selective voter suppression isn’t a bad idea. (snark)
15) International Cycling Union President Pat
McQuaid "Lance Armstrong has no place in cycling and he deserves to be forgotten
in cycling. This is a landmark day for cycling." Really?
The sport has been plagued by performance enhacing drugs for over fifty
years; long before Lance Armstrong arrived on the scene. Armstrong is getting his comeuppance, rightly
so, but for Mr. McQuaid to take such umbrage and holy than thou stance is
laughable. Would McQuaid like to
explain: Ulrich, Contador, Pantani, Meier, Zulle, Landis, Basso, Rasmussen, and
DOZENS of other top ten finishers at the Tour over the last 15 years. Spare us the pious bologna and swiss.
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