Diggacommentary of Romney's VMI Speech
Below in italics are excerpts from Romney’s foreign policy speech
at VMI on Monday. The sub-bullets
represent my comments. In a nutshell,
Romney’s speech was equal parts neocon talking points, lies about Obama, empty
rhetoric, and inconsistencies. I would
trust this guy as commander-in-chief as much as I would trust Dr. Christian
Szell as my dentist.
The attack on our Consulate in Benghazi on September 11th, 2012
was likely the work of forces affiliated with those that attacked our homeland
on September 11th, 2001
o And they may have had something to do with
the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa, the Challenger tragedy, and the Deepwater Horizon
explosion. Seriously, there is no evidence
tying binLaden’s al-Qaeda organization with this group in Libya. But since the same national security team that
advised George W. Bush tried telling us that al-Qaeda in Iraq was operating
with bin laden BEFORE 200, I am not surprised by Mitt’s erroneous claim.
It is a struggle that has unfolded under green banners in the
streets of Iran, in the public squares of Tunisia and Egypt and Yemen, and in
the fights for liberty in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and Libya, and now Syria. In
short, it is a struggle between liberty and tyranny, justice and oppression,
hope and despair.
o Sounds great except Romney’s foreign policy
team is all for democratic elections in Muslim countries as long as a pro-U.S. government
is elected. Further, the same guys that
accused President Obama of throwing Hosni Mubarak under the bus and sending the
signal that America no longer supports its friends, now supports the populist
revolts. Classic Mitt: playing both
The relationship between the President of the United States and
the Prime Minister of Israel, our closest ally in the region, has suffered
great strains.
o Apparently Romney feels it is ok for a
foreign leader to come to America and insult the President of the United
States. Romney has no shame as he plays
politics over patriotism.
Across the greater Middle East, as the joy born from the downfall
of dictators has given way to the painstaking work of building capable security
forces, and growing economies, and developing democratic institutions, the
President has failed to offer the tangible support that our partners want and
o Let me get this right, the neocon puppet
masters pulling Mitt’s strings loved Mubarak, hate the DEMOCRATICALLY elected Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, and harangue
the President for not supporting these new governments. In reality President Obama and his administration
have extended further aid to the newly formed governments in Libya, Tunisia,
and Egypt, while Romney’s GOP brethren in Congress threaten to cut aid.
In Iraq, the costly gains made by our troops are being eroded by
rising violence, a resurgent Al-Qaeda, the weakening of democracy in Baghdad,
and the rising influence of Iran.
o Once again, Romney is about as far from the
facts as Earth is from Kolob. The
sectarian violence is the result of a failed neocon led reconstruction, and,
once again, the same crew that worked for Bush is advising Romney, now leading
to the rise of the Shia bloq. Yes Iran
has tremendous influence in Iraq, perhaps we shouldn’t have invaded Iraq to
begin with. These guys and Romney have
the balls to blame to Obama for the sectarian violence in Iraq after they broke
the country to begin with.
The President has failed to lead in Syria, where more than 30,000
men, women, and children have been massacred by the Assad regime over the past
20 months.
o Romney and the neocons can get their next
theater of operation by arming Syrian opposition fighters, many of whom, are
al-Qaeda and other Sunni extremist salafists.
These are very bad guys who we will end up fighting in the future;
something these guys know very well.
Heck, if PBS’ Frontline can report the facts, why can’t Romney speak the
But Al-Qaeda remains a strong force in Yemen and Somalia, in Libya
and other parts of North Africa, in Iraq, and now in Syria. And other
extremists have gained ground across the region. Drones and the modern
instruments of war are important tools in our fight, but they are no substitute
for a national security strategy for the Middle East.
Insinuating al-Qaeda
in Yemen and Somalia is part of the heinous organization behind 9/11 attacks is
like saying Steve Martin’s Pink Panther is part of the Peter Sellars
franchise. These wannabes are local
actors with no reach beyond their local boundaries. Further, Romney falls into his usual trap of
not offering any specifics. What is his ‘national
security strategy’?
It is time to change course in the Middle East. That course should
be organized around these bedrock principles: America must have confidence in
our cause, clarity in our purpose and resolve in our might. No friend of
America will question our commitment to support them… no enemy that attacks
America will question our resolve to defeat them… and no one anywhere, friend
or foe, will doubt America’s capability to back up our words.
And we love pick-up
trucks, apple pie and baseball. I may
need to do some more research but this sounds like a Bush speech, perhaps
written by Dan Senor, the American Baghdad Bob.
The only thing missing was the axis of evil crack.
I will put the leaders of Iran on notice that the United States
and our friends and allies will prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons
capability. I will not hesitate to impose new sanctions on Iran, and will
tighten the sanctions we currently have. For the sake of peace, we must make
clear to Iran through actions—not just words—that their nuclear pursuit will
not be tolerated.
I guess Romney missed
the part about the riots in Tehran this weekend protesting, not against Israel
or America, but against Ahmadinejad. Yes
the sanctions are working and we would be even more effective if we hadn’t
toppled the one guy who would have kept Iran in check.
I will reaffirm
our historic ties to Israel and our abiding commitment to its security—the
world must never see any daylight between our two nations.
o More Romney and GOP bullshit. Never in its history as Israel received more
aid and support in the U.N. from the U.S.
In fact, the willingness of the Obama administration to bend over backwards
in support of Israel has hurt out standing in the region while further
isolating Israel.
And I will roll back President Obama’s deep and arbitrary cuts to
our national defense that would devastate our military.
o You mean the cuts related to the
sequestration brought on by the failure of the Super Committee to get its job
done? The same super committee that your
running mate sat on?
The size of our Navy is at levels not seen since 1916. I will
restore our Navy to the size needed to fulfill our missions by building 15
ships per year, including three submarines. I will implement effective missile
defenses to protect against threats.
o Yes because we must spend more than the next
20, no make it 25, heck why not 50 nations.
The President has not signed one new free trade agreement in the
past four years.
o That may come as a surprise to the
governments of Panama, South Korea, and Colombia all of which were parties to
three individual free trade agreements signed into law by President Obama in October,
2011. It would also come as a surprise to
Speaker Boehner who said last October "years of
perseverance have been rewarded today as American job creators will have new
opportunities to expand and hire as they access new markets abroad.”
I will support friends across the Middle East who share our
values, but need help defending them and their sovereignty against our common
o What values does he speak of? Clearly an Islamist government in Tunisia or
Egypt does not coincide with our Judeo-Christian values, right? I mean after all we have been fighting back
the threat of Sharia law here in the U.S. Does he mean the values that include
supporting dictators or does it mean governments that allow us to use drones in
their sovereign airspace?
But the route to more war – and to potential attacks here at home
– is a politically timed retreat that abandons the Afghan people to the same
extremists who ravaged their country and used it to launch the attacks of 9/11.
o Apparently Romney thinks it was the Taliban
that attacked us on 9/11. That is not
surprising since he is being advised by the very same people who convinced
President Bush that Iraq was behind 9/11 and posed a clear and present danger
to our liberty. This neocon “we’re
fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here” drivel is nothing
more than beating the drum of perpetual conflict. Once again there is no credible evidence
supporting these claims.
and here in our own hemisphere, where our neighbors in Latin
America want to resist the failed ideology of Hugo Chavez and the Castro
brothers and deepen ties with the United States on trade, energy, and security.
o Apparently Romney is as bad a reader of
newspapers as Palin with as little intelligence of Latin America as the former
governor of Alaska. Apparently he is
unaware that Socialist Evo Morales is Bolivia’s President, Socialist Rafael
Correa is Ecuador’s President, Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff and Argentina’s Cristina
Fernandez have included Venezuela into the South American Mercosur trade
bloc. This hardly seems to be describing
a continent where sovereign nations are resisting Mr. Chavez.
But don’t go by me, make up your own mind.
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