
Showing posts from October, 2012

Diggathoughts, musings, opinions, questions, and observations.

  Diggathoughts, musings, opinions, questions, and observations. 1)       It is neither reasonable to think renewable energy sources can immediately replace fossil fuels nor is it reasonable to think we can drill our way to a better future. 2)       If you deny man’s impact on climate change and at the same time say God will make sure we are saved because the promise he made to Noah, you are the perfect Republican Congressman to be a member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.   (psst that would be John Shimkus). 3)       When Dick Lugar and Bill Bennett, Republican senators who voted with their GOP colleagues 90% of the time are considered ‘not conservative enough’ then you know that party has moved off the charts to the right. 4)       The main stream media should be ashamed of themselves for failing to portray the true Paul Ryan, the true ultra-so...

Digganalysis on Oil Exploration and Energy Dependence

  During the 2 nd presidential debate last week, Governor Romney got overly aggressive with President Obama regarding domestic drilling.   As usual the exchange included a series of half-truths and misinformation and at the end of the exchanges, critical information went unspoken, misperceptions unchallenged, and the true current state of affairs unspecified.   The bottom line isn’t cannot be distilled down into 30 second debate sound bites. Firstly, let’s look at some oil production numbers going back to 2001.   The table below shows total domestic U.S oil production, per the Department of Interior, broken down by Bush and Obama administrations using annual average of thousands of barrels produced. What’s worth noting is the year on year decline in the average annual production over the course of the Bush years.   Yes the big oil man’s administration was importing more oil while we drilled less do...

Diggapedia Offers President Obama Some Unsolicited Advice

1.        America’s role in the world a.        Focus on the strong support of our Pacific allies to counter expansionist China after years of disregard from Bush administration. b.       While much of the world is adopting protectionist trade policies, under an Obama administration, the U.S. has signed free-trade agreements with Colombia, Panama, and South Korea.   c.        Nuclear responsibility.   In 2010 he signed a new START treaty with Russia further reducing nuclear weapon stockpiles.   It is America’s role to reduce the threat of global conflict and that means modeling the way for others to follow. d.       Once again the role of America has been re-established as the world’s leader of stopping tyranny and fighting for freedom.   After eight years of misguided ‘with us or against us foreign policy’, the U...

Diggapedia Calls Bullshit Vol I Number IV

  Governor Mitt Romney and his running mate Congressman Paul Ryan have been working overtime to prove that the legitimacy of their tax plan.   But no matter how hard they try, the numbers don’t add up.; no way, no how.   And yet sadly, the man who calls himself a business genius and his self-professed numbers genius of a running mate cannot due simple addition and subtraction.   But don’t take my word for it, there are many others across the political spectrum who share the same condemning opinion. For starters, the Romney plan would cut all federal income tax rates by 20%, eliminate the Alternative Minimum tax (AMT), and the Estate Tax.   His plan would also keep the Bush level tax rates on capital gains, interest, and dividends, except those with adjusted gross incomes <$200,000, where he would eliminate the taxes on capital gains, interest, and dividends all together.   But wait there’s more.   Romney will also cut the marginal corporate ...

Diggaduh calls Bullshit on the GOP Vol I Number III

Since the attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi the Republicans have been blasting away at the Obama administration about a failed middle east policy.   These accusations are built on a claim that the president’s failure is one of weakness and that is why the Libyan attackers were so brazen.   Yes the Arab unrest is a result of President Obama’s weakness, a Carteresque weakness they like to call it.   You see, the right wing familiar talking point is that democrats are weak on defense; the narrative that is bullshit. Let’s start with the President Carter comparison, especially the takeover of our embassy and the hostage crisis that lasted 444 days.   Carter’s ineffectiveness made America look weak and that emboldened the Iranians to do what they did.   They point to the failed Desert One mission codename Operation Eagle Claw as another example of weakness.   Sadly for the Republicans the facts don’t back up this false narrative.   In reality th...

Why am I not voting for Mitt Romney and neither should you

Why am I not voting for Mitt Romney and neither should you: 10) Never trust a man who tells you he will provide the details of his plan AFTER you hire him.   He is nothing more than a late night TV infomercial charlatan telling you to send $49.99 and he will send you the secret to building a fortune. 9) 17 of the 24 paid foreign policy/naitonal security advisors working on the Romney campaign worked for the Bush campaign.   The same national security team that ignored the 9/11 warnings, invaded the wrong country, let bin Laden escape, allowed a Taliban resurgence in Afghanstan, and enabled the rise of Iran.   Yep seen that movie before and not interested in the sequel. 8) Romney’s economic advisers include American Enterpise Institute fellow Kevin Hassett who in 1999 claimed the Dow would hit 36,000, Greg Mankiw and Glenn Hubbard who consecutively served as Bush’s chairman of the council of economic advisers, and John Taylor who believes all tax rates should ...

Digganalysis on the VP debate: Biden scores a W

  ·          Martha Raddatz did an outstanding job as moderator.   There were times when things looked more like a Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion, but for the most part she kept things moving, moderated fairly, but also challenged the participants when they didn’t come clean. ·          I thought early on that Joe Biden’s smile could hurt him with some viewers as it could make him look disrespectful or petty.   Of course, that is Joe Biden and if you watch older footage you see the same thing.   I am sure as many that were put off by it there were equal number that didn’t care. ·          When pundits call the debate a tie because one participant (Ryan) ‘didn’t embarrass himself’.   Wow is that the new grading system? ·          The Benghazi incident was going to be Biden’s weak poin...

Questions, Thoughts, & Opinions on a Wednesday Night

Questions, Thoughts, and Opinions 1)       I have decided that I am a secular traditionist Jew; a freethinking believer in separation of church and state and follower of Jewish traditions. 2)       There is a difference between being pro same-sex marriage and forcing same sex marriage onto people. 3)       You may be a hypocrite if you decry Obamacare as an encroachment of freedom but have no problem with the Patriot Act. 4)       Mitt Romney says he believes in a strong national defense, but doesn’t mention our troops only the need to increase military spending.   He is not pro defense he is pro defense contractors. 5)       The sad state of our culture is epitomized by the complete lack of shame in getting caught lying.   Not too long ago the guilty party would apologize, then we moved to be taken out of context, followed by I misspoke...