Too much stupidity
What’s bugging Diggaduh?
How about dumb-ass statements such as:
“I want my country back.” Really?
Back from whom? Where did it
go? When did you lose it?
“Obamacare is a job killer.” Name one job that has been eliminated as a
result of the Affordable Care Act?
“The 1% are job creators.” When 70% of your GDP comes from consumer
spending does anyone believe that it is only the 1% doing the spending?
“Why do people vote against their economic best
interests?” Well, I do so. And I do it because I believe we are only as
strong as our weakest link.
“He’s going through a sophomore slump.” It’s
called regressing to the mean. How do
you know the 1st season wasn’t beyond the normal and the end (sophomore
season) is more indicative of long term performance?
“President Obama is waging war on religion.” Really last time I checked it was fundamentalists
that were challenging Islamic community centers and mosques.
“Ronald Reagan scared the Iranians into
releasing the hostages.” The deal to release the hostages was completed before
Reagan was sworn in.
“We’ll be back with our powerhouse
roundtable.” Sorry George Stephanopoulos but when your roundtables include Liz
Cheney, Nicolle Wallace, and Ann Coulter, power house is not an accurate
rights are for blacks.” Ann Coulter believes civil rights are a form of paying
off for prior wrongdoings. Shows how
ignorant she is about the Constitution and justice. Funny, I thought civil rights were for
“President Obama’s failed policies.” Republican talking point without any
substance. Have you ever heard a single
example provided by a Republican hack?
There, I feel better already.
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