Do you need more reasons to vote for President Obama?
Here are Mitt Romney’s Nation Security Team Heavy Hitters:
John Bolton:
A man so far to the right his appointment to be Bush’s UN ambassador had
to be done as a recess appointment. The
ironic thing is the man hates everything about the international body. Infamously
said “So we’re at a very unhappy point —
a very unhappy point — where unless Israel is prepared to use nuclear
weapons against Iran’s program, Iran will have nuclear weapons
in the very near future.” Sounds like a
guy advocating nuclear war.
Elliot Cohen: The ultra neocon who said in a Wall
Street Journal piece in December 2001 "After
Afghanistan, what? Iraq is the big prize." Hired by Condi Rice in 2007.
Cofer Black: former vice chairman of
Blackwater and the father of waterboarding while working in the Bush CIA. The man who vowed to bring Osama bin Laden’s head to
George W. Bush on a pike and did not make good on that promise.
Walid Phares: A
Lebanese Christian who is considered so unreliable and dangerous even Peter
King, House Chairman on Homeland Security didn’t call him to testify during his
hearings about threats from Islamic terrorists.
Believed to be tied to massacres in southern Lebanon in the 1980’s.
Michael Hayden, former head of the
NSA and CIA at different times during the Bush years. The man who championed short cutting due
process in eavesdropping and torture, Hayden is the perfect intelligence genius
to go with Cofer Blacks operations if your goal is to build an American
KGB. And how did Hayden defend
waterboarding? “Well, first of all,
we’re not talking about torture, all right? I mean, torture is a legal term.
Now, there are some things that are illegal that are not, that are not torture. And so we cloud the debate when,
when we throw the word torture out there, I think, in a far too casual way.”
Dan Senor, Bush spokesman
for the U.S. Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, and a man who clearly
lost touched with reality as he kept claiming everything was fine with the Iraq
War. Call him American Baghdad Bob. Though I liked his book Start Up Nation, he is
clearly a man who thrives off of constant conflict. Famous for saying "Well, off the record, Paris is burning, but on the record,
security and stability are returning to Iraq."
Max Boot, a man who just may be
the craziest of them all. He has
infamously called for attacking Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, and America to
embrace its imperial role and proclaiming “Afghanistan and other troubled lands today
cry out for the sort of enlightened foreign administration once provided by
self-confident Englishmen in jodhpurs and pith helmets.” That’s not American exceptionalism, it’s neo
British Imperialism. This man also was a
McCain surrogate and as far as I can tell he has never really accomplished
anything other than sidling up to other neocons such as Krauthammer and
And filling out the Bush leftover
roster we have:
Robert Joseph, the man who
inserted the infamous 16 words into Bush’s
2003 State of the Union Address: “The British Government has learned that Saddam Hussein
recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa
Eric Edelman: Another Bush recess
appointee as Undersecretary of Defense Policy.
I realize that this scary list of players won’t matter to the
fervent Obama haters. They are
irrational and see only what they chose to see.
They ignore facts and data and simply abide by their Fox News Rovian programming.
So if you think the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld troika of imperialistic
unilateral foreign policy was good for America, by all means vote for Mitt Romney. Because once again another Republican foreign
policy neophyte will surround himself with the very souls that the last great
Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about: the black souls of
the military industrial complex.
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