The Wild West Meets the Cuckoo Nest

The DOJ and BATF principals involved in Operation Fast and Furious need to be reprimanded, fired, demoted, etc. Poor planning was only outdone by horrendous execution.  That being said, as reported by The Arizona Republic, in the fiscal year ending on September 30th, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported the confiscation of 95,416 rounds of ammunition at the Mexican border en route to the cartels in Mexico, a 14,455% increase from 2007.  So I ask these Arizona sheriffs and other law enforcement officers instead of whining about the Federal Government and border security why don’t you stop the flow of these straw purchase guns and weapons southward?  The Tea Party and its political hacks have hijacked the 2nd Amendment in such a way that they would rather supply the murder weapons and materials to drug cartels in Mexico enabling them to run drugs back into the USA than stand up for law, order, and common sense.
Meanwhile legislative proposals to force ammunition dealers to track and monitor ammunition sales will not even get off the ground in Arizona.  And to demonstrate the opinions of the murder merchants in Arizona there is this quote from Don Gallardo, manager of Shooter’s World in Phoenix “I don’t see anything wrong with it (unlimited ammunition sales).  Should we restrict someone from buying 10 cases of beer versus one case of beer?”  So we are equating beer and bullets? Would those be 18th amendment remedies?

In 2010, local Phoenix media noted connections between members of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s staff and lobbyists for private prisons.  Brewer dodged the issue when pressed and the news story was quickly passed over.   In the October 9th Arizona Republic, the front page included an investigative article about Arizona prison and incarceration data: Nationally, crime rates have been falling for decades. Even with more convicted criminals on the street, many of these states have seen their crime rates fall as far or farther than in Arizona, where the prison population has climbed 50 percent over the past decade.
But those calling for similar reforms here have been unable to persuade Arizona's political leaders to give up their tough-on-crime stance.
"We incarcerate 40,000 people; Washington has a slightly larger population than Arizona and it has 18,000 prisoners," says Rep. Cecil Ash, a Mesa Republican and sentencing-reform advocate. "Bottom line, we're spending a huge amount of money when we have better alternatives."
Could it be that the Governor has some favors to repay?


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