Just a few minor corrections for Senator Rubio's 'Official' Biography

Top Ten Corrections from Marco Rubio’s Biography
10. His parents didn’t leave Cuba with Michael Corleone.
9. He didn’t grow up in the same neighborhood as Tony Montana.
8. His father did not play an astronaut on I Dream of Jeanie
7. His sister didn’t babysit Eilan Gonzalez.
6. His grandfather was not a butcher at the Bay of Pigs Pork Store.
5. He didn’t play a young drug dealer in Season Five if Miami Vice.
4. He wasn’t a utility infielder for the Florida Marlins.
3.  He didn’t win the 1981 Miami-Dade Scripps Spelling Bee.
2. He didn’t kill an alligator with a Swiss army knife.
1. He didn’t invent #OccupyMiami


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