Rainy Days and Mundane Always Make Me Blog

Disney has begun construction on the $15Billion theme park in Shanghai, China.  We can’t make anything in this country, but we can export a man-sized mouse and his entourage.  Hope someone told the Chinese that Pluto is not food.
The heinous attack by Los Angeles Dodgers’ fans on Giants’ fan Bryan Stow is unforgiveable.  Congratulations Dodger Fan, you have now made baseball look like European Soccer.
Europe’s inability to maintain any semblance of an air campaign against Gaddafi’s forces without American assistance demonstrates that both NATO and the European Union are ineffective.  Many Europeans bitch about America’s often heavy-handed approach to global crises, and then cry when we back off.  Can’t have it both ways.
Memo to those same Europeans who love to criticize Israel: when Hamas fires a rocket at an easily identifiable school bus, you should condemn them immediately and order for complete disarmament in Gaza.  Israel’s response was both appropriate and justified.  Euro is scared shitless of its increasing Muslim population.
As for Muslims around the world, Americans have uniformly condemned the a-hole minister in Florida for burning a Koran.  Why haven’t you condemned the murders of innocent UN workers in Afghanistan?  And as for Afghan President Karzai, go screw yourself for inflaming the situation for your political gain.  It is time to pull the plug on this mission and use improving relations with India to contain Pakistan.
India’s celebration in winning the world cricket championship as short lived as matches for the 2012 championship had to begin immediately because it takes a freaking week to play a single match.
Is it me or is Tennis’ Davis Cup seem to be up for perpetual grabs?
51% of likely Republican primary voters do not believe President Obama is a US citizen.  Explains why Trump has gone all birther and why Obama will get re-elected.
Scary thought for the day: US storage capacity for spent nuclear fuel rods will be exhausted by 2015.  Hey, I suddenly found a reason to stay in Afghanistan.
According to USA Today, since January employment for Americans with a college education or higher is up by 521,000 while those only with a high school education has fallen by 318,000.  And we still need foreigners to fill high tech and medical positions.  We need to make college and education in Math, Technology, Science, and Engineering more, not less, accessible for our citizens.
Irony 101.  In a closed door ceremony President Obama received an award for transparency in government. 


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