
Sorry Donald, once you are subject of a celebrity roast on Comedy Central, you can no longer be considered viable to become President.
Donald, we all know you do not want to be President.  You are scared shitless of having to complete the financial disclosure statements.
Poor Sarah Palin.  First she gets eclipsed by the rising full moon crazy Michelle Bachmann and now she must jump on the birther bandwagon to keep up with Trump.  Sarah: Plain and Irrelevant, an afterschool special.
Saddens me to see that all weekend the talking heads and pundits were too busy arguing who won and who lost with respect to the government shutdown.  Welcome to Meet The Press and your host Charlie Sheen.
Check out Discovery Channel’s Human Planet: great stories and superb photography.  Four years of filming to produce this series and it is worth it.  Even Mrs. Diggapedia watched.
It is time to privatize TSA, Amtrak, Post Office, and all other government agencies and enterprises that are hopelessly mismanaged and poorly operated.  Watching three TSA officials staring at the same screen did not make me feel any safer, only more pissed off.
So the Arab League wants a no fly zone over Gaza.  Do the idiots realize that would include rockets and mortars COMING FROM Gaza to Israel?
Hang in there Rory McIlroy.  You will win a major soon.  Signed Jan Van de Velde.
Sox are only three games behind Yankees.  Sorry Rays, Jays, and Orioles, but you’re not who I am worried about this year.
NY Jets employee Jenn Sterger wants her life back after the whole sexting scandal with Brett Favre.  Yeah that phrase worked so well for BP CEO Tony Hayward.
People won’t want to admit it, but golf needs Tiger Woods to be competitive. 
I guess I am an elitist, but when I heard that the IndyCar stop in Alabama this weekend was called the Alabama Grand Prix I partly cringed and laughed.  Alabama and Grand Prix go together like Liberal KKK Member.


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