Move over birthers, here come the skinners
If a debate is held and no one shows up, do the trees know or care? The first Republican presidential debate is scheduled for this Thursday on Faux News and none of the major candidates are planning on attending. Hmmm two hours of silence on Faux News, now THAT’s worth tuning in for. In a related story, at this rate the potential GOP presidential debaters may include Joe ‘The Plumber’, Bristol Palin, Strom Thurmond’s corpse, and Ted Nugent. In a little covered news story yesterday, the Treasury Department has granted exemptions to foreign exchange derivatives traded via over-the counter (OTC) swaps. This loophole in the Dodd-Frank financial reform law was lauded by the banking industry. Why do I have the sinking suspicion that investment banks JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, et al are already figuring out how to take advantage of this loophole for their own proprietary businesses? Start the clock on the next financial crisis, I am betting 201...