Mohels, Social D, Snookie, Egypt, and Gecko

-        Archer is back and as funny as ever. 
-        Speaking of being back, Social Distortion’s new release “Hard Times and Nursery Rhymes” is a great album as Mike Ness and the boys are back with their first new music in six years. 
-        The downside of comebacks, Boy George and Culture Club are reuniting.
-        Shocking development from the federal investigation looking into the financial crisis.  The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission concluded “…that this crisis was avoidable. It found widespread failures in financial regulation; dramatic breakdowns in corporate governance; excessive borrowing and risk-taking by households and Wall Street; policy makers who were ill prepared for the crisis; and systemic breaches in accountability and ethics at all levels.” Sorry Gecko greed isn’t good, it’s dangerous.  Side note: the republican members of the panel are issuing two different dissenting opinions, both which soften the blame aimed at Wall Street.
-        If Americans in Italy hasn’t already been a rocky relationship with the Amanda Knox story, The Jersey Shore is going to film season 4 in the land of Michelangelo.  Mingya
-        Arizona State Senate President and #1 Bigot Russell Pearce is facing a potential recall campaign.  If 7,756 petition signatures can be compiled by May 27th, Pearce must either resign or face an open election against as many residents who file papers to run.
-        But to prove that other Arizona lawmakers are as bigoted and clueless, Republican Rep John Kavanaugh is introducing a bill to eliminate the citizenship rights of children born to illegal immigrants.  State is underwater and these clowns want to play illogical ideological games.
-        Jesse Ventura has filed a lawsuit against the TSA for illegal search and seizure.  Minnesota, land of 10,000 lakes and a shitload of nut jobs.
-        Glenn Beck may have gone too far this time.  His off-the-mark criticism of George Soros and continued use of Nazism and the Holocaust imagery may have reached the breaking point.  400 rabbis have taken out a full page ad criticizing Beck and his boss Rupert Murdoch.    Fox will likely respond in its usual flippant manner, which may not be the best approach else Beck and Murdoch may become the guests of honor at a bris.  Hope they serve lox.
-        In other Beckerhead related news, the Kook of Mormon’s ratings are down about 40% since he peaked in August 2009 with 3million viewers.  Today, he struggles to get 1.6 – 1.8 million family members to tune in.  With Olbermann of the air at MSNBC, could we be seeing the demise of the polarizing talk show host?  No more wingnuts?  Is this the work of Jon Stewart and his rally?
-        Watch events in Egypt very closely this weekend.  The survival of the 30 year Mubarak reign could be in jeopardy and that will scare the crap out of the Jordanian, Saudi, Kuwaiti, and Bahrainian leaders as well as everybody in DC.  This is huge.


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