Ducks, Dope, Delay, and Dominance

·        Former Republican House Majority Leader Tom Delay wants sentenced to three years for money laundering and conspiracy.  Once the second most powerful man in the House, he will now be just another inmate in the Big House.  For his sake, let’s hope his time on Dancing with the Stars doesn’t lead to an episode of Oz.
·        Why do 2nd Amendment proponents, when asked why they feel it are necessary to show up at a campaign rally with an assault weapon, respond with “because they can”?   We know you can, but do you have to?  Police, security, and Secret Service officers and officials have enough to worry about, why would you insist on making their lives even more difficult?  Seriously, join a Civil War reenactment company and play army all day long. 
·        So SEC hating is now in vogue after the conference captured its fifth straight BCS title by its fourth different team.  Since the inception of the BCS the SEC has now won as many titles, 7, as all other conferences combined.  That would be dominance.  While its 2010-11 bowl record of 5-5 is, well, average, 10 bowl games for a conference of 12 teams is unprecedented.   And by the way, the 6 team SEC West division went 4-1 in bowl games highlighted by Auburn’s national championship, Alabama and Mississippi State’s dual destruction of the Michigans on New Years Day, and LSU’s Cotton Bowl blow out of Texas A&M.
·        Speaking  of the BCS title game, memo to the Oregon Ducks: neon socks are fine if you are either the Brazilian Soccer Team, the cast of Glee, or the representatives of the Lollipop Guild. 
·        Add David Frum to the list of so-called experts who come across as highly intelligent, but say some really dumb stuff.  (unlike yours truly who is neither an expert nor overly intelligent, but does say dumb stuff).  Frum shared this little pearl with us “After horrific shootings, we hear calls for stricter regulation of guns. The Tucson shooting should remind us why we regulate marijuana.  Jared Lee Loughner, the man held as the Tucson shooter, has been described by those who know as a ‘pot smoking loner.’  He had two encounters with the law, one for possession of drug paraphernalia.”  I do not mean to make light of the Tucson shooting, but has Frum seen a Cheech and Chong movie?  Or for that matter Pineapple Express, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and Brad Pitt in True Romance?  I don’t believe pot is the root cause.
·        Trash talking is up in preparation of the Patriots-Jets game.  Jets CB, and former Charger Antonio Cromartie went on an obscenity filled tirade calling Tom Brady an asshole and saying F—k him.  Cromartie is obviously bitter about the 2006 playoff game when the Chargers blew a 21-13 4th quarter lead.  On the human interest side of the contest, Cromartie has fathered nine children by eight different women and needed a $500,000 advance from the Jets to pay off back child support.  He also believes being able to name all nine of his kids is a tremendous achievement, perhaps a Nobel Peace Prize.  Like the Jets needed another reason to be mocked. 


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