Had my sandwich, now a rant for dessert

Republican Playbook: Make it up and hope something sticks.
Exhibit 1: Iraq Invasion Rationale
 - Saddam met with 9/11 hijackers
 - Al Qaeda is in Iraq
 - Weapons of mass destruction
 - He was a bad guy
 - Iraqis deserve freedom
 - Muslims deserve democracy
 - We're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here
Exhibit 2: Anti Obama mud
 - He will take our guns away
 - He wasn't born here
 - He's a Muslim
 - He's a fascist
 - He's a marxist/socialist/communist
 - He doesn't bowl
 - He's an elitist
 - His minister hates America
 - He's friends with terrorists
 - He doesn't go to church enough
 - He bowed to the Saudi King, Chinese premier
 - He's a Kenyan anti-colonialist
 - He's soft on terror, but tough on stains
 - His middle name is Hussein
 - He uses a teleprompter


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