The Fiscal Pit That is Arizona
Republicans are 'supposed' to be fiscally conservative. If so, please explain why we will have a $825Million deficit this year GROWING to $1.4Billion in 2011 for a total of $2.25Billion. The Republican controlled executive and legislature are banking on two ballot propositions that will reallocate discrete funds to the general fund. In other words rape the land conservation fund and the early child health and welfare fund because the incompetents can't make tough decisions. It would have been worse if the citizens of Arizona hadn't already voted to increase the sales tax from 5.6% to 6.6% for one year.
Who is in charge of the Senate Appropriations Committee? Why it's none other than Russell Pearce. Hey Rusty instead of chasing ghosts in the desert via SB1070, you should have been cutting spending, NOT INCREASING IT.
Imagine if you had put the citizens first and worried about the budget and state services instead of your bigoted xenophobic witch hunt. You and Witchie Poo have cost us millions in tax revenue.
Who is in charge of the Senate Appropriations Committee? Why it's none other than Russell Pearce. Hey Rusty instead of chasing ghosts in the desert via SB1070, you should have been cutting spending, NOT INCREASING IT.
Imagine if you had put the citizens first and worried about the budget and state services instead of your bigoted xenophobic witch hunt. You and Witchie Poo have cost us millions in tax revenue.
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