How do you heal when you can't agree on facts?


On January 6th, 2021, the new Day of Infamy, I listened to Republican after Republican beseech their congressional colleagues to not accept the Electoral College Results due to unproven allegations in several states. Not surprisingly the three states that were to be challenged: Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia were all won by President-Elect Biden (not surprisingly GOP House members from these states had no problem with their elections, just the presidential choice).  The 147 Republicans were only halted in their grandstanding when the Capitol security was breeched and the building occupied by terrorists.

Since the election of November 3rd, the Trump team filed 62 lawsuits with only a single victory, Pennsylvania requiring voters to provide ID to cure a defective ballot.  Team Trump tried, often comically, to convert accusations into proof.  From its ominous launch at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, this effort was clear to anyone with a smidgen of sense to be nothing more than Trump’s latest grift.  But the comedic ridiculousness of Giuliani’s running hair dye, Michigan’s Mellissa Carone, and the fact that the three cases of voter fraud in Pennsylvania were actually perpetrated by Trump voters took a serious turn when the craven 147 and their master tried to sow the seeds of doubt in our democratic processes and institutions.

When the masses include those that are unwilling to listen to the facts or unable to accept the truth they are easily manipulated by charismatic populists and opportunists.  When allegations are treated as evidence and evidence treated as proof, reason and debate wither.  This is where we are in America.  How can you heal if you can’t have a conversation about what is real?  In business and team sports, we learn to create the common goal(s) so that as a team we can achieve our objectives.  We may not agree on every detail and consensus is not compulsory, but the expectation is to put the common goal above individual desires.  Unfortunately, the Republican congressional gamers and breakers along with far-right extremists through message multipliers social media and cable TV outlets such as Fox, OANN, and Newsmax have manipulated the masses in this post-truth new world.  When the truth doesn’t matter, how can you debate?  If you cannot debate how do you heal?

Start by being your own person.  Do your own research and do not rely on sources that will validate what you believe or what you want to believe.  It may be uncomfortable, but it will be eye-opening.  Don’t be spoon fed your daily dose like the protagonist in The Social Dilemma.  Ask Why.  Don’t fall for the special interests’ hate, fear, and greed messages.

“A properly functioning democracy depends on an informed electorate.” -- Thomas Jefferson


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