It’s politics stupid.
Why did President Obama suddenly change course on
immigration and “go it alone”? Politics
of course. The next election is still
two years away, but the campaign and debate season starts long before the
election and now he has put Republicans on the defensive again. Although the President’s record on
immigration has been checkered with increased deportations and lack of progress
on immigration reform, he has kept the Democrats as the preferred choice of
Hispanics. The dreams of Reagan and H.W.
Bush to champion immigration reform and make the Republican Party, the party of
immigrants, especially Hispanics, have turned into nightmares thanks to the
overly nativist ultraconservative wing that influences the GOP. Reagan once
quipped "Latinos are Republicans. They just don't know it yet." Perhaps today the more applicable quote is “Republicans
are doomed. They just don’t know it yet.”
In addition to
keeping the Hispanic electorate away from the Republicans, the ever so pliable
media will now seek out Republican leaders, especially Speaker Boehner, and ask
when the House will take up the immigration reform bill that passed the Senate
62-38? While the GOP responds with its “executive
amnesty” and “Emperor Obama” talking points, they will be exposed and forced to
respond to questions about what they plan on doing, and with every response will
come a potential sound bite for Democratic campaign staffers. If Boehner decides to move forward with
legislation, he runs the risk of upsetting the “Yahoo Wing” of the party and
its militant active base.
Thirdly, by keeping
immigration reform on the front burner, President Obama has once again driven a
wedge between the potential 2016 GOP candidates with John Kasich, Jeb Bush and Chris Christie separated from
Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and the rest of the ultraconservatives. The more wedge issues like immigration are
used to define the GOP, the longer they will be on the defensive and the harder
it will be for its candidates to run primary and general election campaigns. You can only go to the etch-a-sketch so
To love politics is
to be a cynic. And while many celebrate the words and acts of
our favorite political leaders, make no mistake about it, there is always a political
angle that motivates. Perhaps that is
why our voter turnout numbers are chronically low, and why so many Americans
simply tune out the noise from DC.
Nonetheless, Machiavelli would surely love this move by President Obama.
It's just politics.
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